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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. cable tie could have fallen off i once saw a 30 odd year old male gosshawk with a cable tie ring, he looked surprisingly spritley for his age Or it could have been micro-chipped ,30 odd year now that is a achivement.
  2. what purpose was it bred for ?.
  3. now now pip,it could have been injured and taken in and flown until fit enough to release
  4. Time has flown by,shes a beauty millet
  5. IMO better to give it to some lad (he may phone the ibr and reunite) than leave it to get stuck in branches by its jesses and starve ,check out "the lost bird" post by jsb in falconry section.....Nice pic by the way millet.
  6. Well done ryan, looks lke you had a good day
  7. Try jim at sheffield catapults quaility gear
  8. slightly off topic but does this mean we cant kill rats with dogs ?.
  9. Its happened to the best of us mate.... nothing beats running out a net youve made from scratch. good luck on your future forays
  10. Thanks for the replys, i have sorted a couple of lads out for xmas but should someone bail out ill get in touch with yous
  11. Hi, Before i start ..i know this is in the wrong section but most guys with catapults read this .Right..i have permission in a couple of woods around the leeds area and would like to know if anyone would like a couple of days squirrel bashing nearer xmas time as the leaves havnt shed the oaks as yet. its catapults only..no guns,dogs welcome but must be stock broken.any one fancy it ?...pm me for details.
  12. Soon be xmas.....then most of these bloody leaves will have fallen from the trees.

    1. paulus


      all over my dog runs and garden, bloody great.....lol

    2. Mr Wilkes

      Mr Wilkes

      lol, cant see the squirrels for the leaves.

  13. Superb...only ever seen them once and that was on rowen in a morrisons car park.
  14. Hi all, Just a "small" post about the new dvd "The Secret Life Of The Sparrowhawk" by dave culley. Ive been "crazy" about spars for more years than i can remember owning and flying a few in that time, so when i heard about a new dvd concerning the sparrowhawk breeding season i had to buy one. Well what can i say ..its Awsome ! ..showing the comence of the nest building in nov to the hatching and fledging of the young spars plus a whole lot more besides..its about 1hr long and retails at £20 posted. Chris packham narrates the film which in my eyes speaks for the quality of it...c'mon guys
  15. I had my first lot from Steve, but he's not replying to my emails. I had to bite the bullet and buy mine from killgerm,i did save on p&p as i only live 10mins from them . Lad i knock about with got his sent from steve no problem at all
  16. Considering you dont ferret that much those dogs look well "tuned in " in those pics
  17. Try ebay steve sells them on there and he will send em over
  18. Well done, looks like you had a good day out but..ferrets,nets,dogs and kids..wow i take my hat of to ya.
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