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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. Cheers pete, Another question for you.....do you have to have a permit before you can buy the "Gear" ?... id like to think I payed my way on the long journey.
  2. Pete, who actually assesses you in obtaining theses permits is it your mentor/trainer or a independent person ?.
  3. @ foxails....dig deep mate itll be worth it
  4. Difficult one....personally id have stuck it up in a bush/tree as high as I could, on saying that i did the same with I linnet chick but the bugger kept jumping to the ground so I left him to his own devises.
  5. I wonder just how many nets there are around the country just lying around? Mr Goodcat Far too many...imo most people buy them with good intentions but lack the knowledge/skill to use them. if were all honest we messed up and got it wrong in the beginning but perseverance pays..i must admit I was very privileged to have been taught by( imo) one of the countrys top longnetters/netsman, and owe him a great deal of gratitude.
  6. Def worth a bid..lets hope its new owner uses it to its full potential...far too many long nets bought then hung in the back of a shed.
  7. Couldn't have put it better myself lab
  8. cheers malt. shes on with it now..i can do with out beer,sex , food or sleep but cant be deprived of my mma..I get with-drawals.
  9. 1st things 1st...never ever threaten anybody..you are breaking the law just by that. now if your dogs got out when pussys on the prowl it would be seen as a accident ...get my drift ?.
  10. When it comes to the TV the wife rules , I have no idea whats what. I switch on espn and watch the fights..the wife says there is no espn only on bt infinity. we arnt subscribed to sky as yet, forgive my ignorance but if we subscribe to them do I get to watch the ufc ?.
  11. Just found out that we had to sign up to another 12 month contract if we accepted free bt sports...and we could only get ESPN on line unless you have bt infinity which aint in our area..so my question is where the feck do I get to watch UFC and what do I need to sign up to ?.
  12. Yes smithie but it might have extra lighter components....it could be what the A-team are looking for, and just think of those running shoes (yes TCs will come with spikes)..do you have any spare socks to pad em out ? im only a size 5.
  13. Im going to get one as soon as funds allow..if you go on you-tube theres quiet a few reviews and some of the footage is pretty good.
  14. How very remiss of me I put it down to my age, and the cider. I have heard a rumour though, that another company is planning to usurp Netrigger & Co's sprint set. I cannot go into details at the moment but watch this space. TC Tc I am intrigued, please spill the beans..does it come with other components which are lighter in weight ?.
  15. SPRINTNETS......The only way forward.

  16. Tc you forgot to mention that upon completion of the 5 day course you are awarded a certificate of competence (which opens all avenues) and a complementary bottle of scotlands finest whiskey.
  17. Gotta agree...Sheffield catapults, nice chap and willing to make what you require.
  18. For sale..10 glass (clear) demijohns..£2.50 each. LEEDS AREA, pick up only.pm me for contact number.cheers.
  19. Am I the only one whose takes no f**k off as yes your more than welcome...ive just had a grand tour of a estate and seen every drop (longnetting) on there only to be told a week later that I cant go on....yeah right farmer palmer...its all mine. catch me if you can !.
  20. Christ I hate those "BIG" drops. big to me is 400yrd..too much time running the nets out and the 1st fifty will (most of the time) already caught, and then the big walk in to find holes chewn in that fifty....AARRGGH NEVER AGAIN. Im spoilt in that most of "our" drops don't go over 75yrd and im more than happy with that.
  21. Every plot should have a flower bed like that..beautiful.
  22. IMO I would team up with a like minded chap and approach in between the warrens and one of you peg/net to the right and the other to the left..you never know in this game it just might work.
  23. Hold the duckling on its back with its vent away from you, holding its tail push it down, if its a drake out will pop a little willie and not if its a duck...or wait till they call ...squeak for a drake , kwack for a duck.
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