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Mr Wilkes

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Everything posted by Mr Wilkes

  1. Mr Wilkes

    Drop Net

    I have now bought a bigger shed for the things you make smithie..
  2. Its great weather for cleaning windows.

  3. Grown naga before and it was just too hot, now its scotch bonnet only .what are the parent plants of the reaper ? or is it top secret .
  4. Mr Wilkes

    Own Up.

    And I go............out !.
  5. I used to sit my battery in a plastic container...still went through two pair of jeans a season tho.
  6. I think I was around 16 when I tried traditional netting (laying out 50yrd of net then back pegging) and caught 1 bunny, so i decided it wernt for me. then a few years later i heard of the "quickset/basket" style of netting so i bought one..it was a struggle but i did catch. all the netters in our area didn't want to share any secrets about traditional netting so i struggled on..until i got to know Martin King (peg to peg) a traditional netter who invited me down to Suffolk to show me how he netted rabbits.. i learnt a lot about all things "netty" in those few days/nights ..Thank you Martin
  7. Bike inner-tube is just the job, but don't leave the net in full sun light and do check it regularly.
  8. 2578 guests in the last 30 mins..mmm.

    1. paulus


      bet you need more t bags now lol

    2. rob190364


      ha ha, Paulus you tit!

  9. Good luck mate..don't forget your brollie and flask of tea.
  10. I could tell you mate but then I would have to kill you ........ You could always tell him then he could tell me ...then you could kill him .
  11. What a rum old day..

  12. Well done ern, and well done that farmer..
  13. FECK.....There goes the roof tiles.

  14. Looking good, cant wait till next season to get him on some bunnys
  15. you pinch that from Paulus bloody scarey things them wall-eyed ponies.
  16. Hello all, My nephew called in today and we had a chat about lure fishing, in the end we decided to have a trip out east Yorkshire looking for pike ,chub & perch. now not being from that area ourselves id like to ask what rivers or ponds should we head for ?.
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