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Everything posted by Daytimeonly

  1. very nice chartpolski, never heard or seen one of these before!
  2. im not sure, but i think these are all along the same lines, egyptian hound, pharoah hound and ibizan hound
  3. hi all please add your part and pictures, there are many different breeds we havent heard about seen, or seen working, thanks again! caravan hound kazahk tazi kangaroo/dingo hound
  4. paulsmithy whippet is dam, saluki is sire, and my saluki has like 1/32 collie aswell
  5. tracer 210 variable switch, look after it and there aint no f**k on with the wiring...
  6. base saluki whippets, 1/64 collie something like that, older dog good alrounder but not so good for the big land.. better suited to the lamp
  7. saluki greyhound very well bred, also killing a couple on field atm, hopefully get him on big land next year when he matures a bit
  8. saluki x saluki x saluki collie whippet if you ever thought the saluki types were ploddy you need to watch a good one, ive seen this dog kill many long ears off there seat, but ive also seen a few collie cross do it atb
  9. many people have different ways of keeping there dog fit, ive heard older people in the game talk about getting bull x and dh x fit and strong for the bigger game by making them pull weights, alot of people swear by beech walking, road work, and just manual walking, whats your opinions? i like to think that i get my dogs fit by being repetetive ( sorry about my spelling ) a set walk day in day out for a certain distance, how about you? thanks lads
  10. thanks boyo, i know what you mean, if they arent happy i dont care pal haha
  11. gareth daniel pure sort yourself out fella. and yeah iceman she is now, bitch is in top shape again and ive just had her spade, shes catching regular again and very fit.
  12. its not stupid, ive heard of beddys being lined by greyhounds?
  13. all my dogs mark, i thought it was just a natural thing
  14. id like something along the lines of saluki grey whippet grey beddy collie whippet grey saluki bull grey deerhound beddy grey bull whippet x hancock minshaw bull whippet greyhound beardie collie saluki beddy whippet greyhound yorkie
  15. a collie got stolen in guis today aswell, owner was held at knifepoint
  16. the difference is most people would associate a saluki type and pre ban to hare coursing. and the difference between a hare and a rabbit is alot. Really? I thought hares just had bigger ears? The rest of them is the same though and they run the same. are you pissed? or new to the game haha! hares running the same as rabbits, and only difference being longer ears..... :laugh:
  17. the difference is most people would associate a saluki type and pre ban to hare coursing. and the difference between a hare and a rabbit is alot.
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