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Everything posted by Daytimeonly

  1. some people dont have the first clue... slating me for saying i like a dog to have a good tail.
  2. i picked my pup out of my litter based on the length of his tail, and every other dog ive owned ive done the same thing, i usually narrow the litter down to 2 or 3 i like the best, then stand them up straight and see were there tails drop to, or tuck it under the leg and round to the spine, i like a longdogs tail when fully grown to pass its spine, i know pups tails dont usually do this but you get an idea of which pup has the longer tail, and graham ofcourse you will have variation, after all theyre a lurcher and there will be throwbacks
  3. pure greyhound tail http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=pure+greyhound&hl=en&biw=1140&bih=518&tbm=isch&tbnid=DRmiYm8RnQJcaM:&imgrefurl=http://www.greyhound-data.com/photodb.php%3Fland%3Dother%26letter%3DK%26filter_sex%3D0%26color%3DF%26x%3D9&docid=ET6M5Sbo41VZZM&imgurl=http://www.greyhound-data.com/greyhound/664982/161/Greyhound_Kimsar_Pure_New_Dust-big.jpg&w=640&h=436&ei=16zxT4StC5K38gOlv92IDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=828&vpy=11&dur=96&hovh=185&hovw=272&tx=216&ty=58&sig=106275014581041574852&page=2&tbnh=145
  4. this shows the length of the tail on a saluki http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=pure+saluki&hl=en&biw=1140&bih=518&tbm=isch&tbnid=V3w6NPIeqOA2tM:&imgrefurl=http://www.sighthound.net/sightgb2.htm&docid=4-Nhs9cSRO4QrM&imgurl=http://www.sighthound.net/quney.jpg&w=316&h=239&ei=lqzxT67jO8yl8gOh4cSADQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=699&vpy=205&dur=27&hovh=191&hovw=252&tx=184&ty=64&sig=106275014581041574852&page=3&tbnh=142&tbnw=211&start=25&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:25,i:162
  5. a pure deerhound, you can see the length of the tail in this picture http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=deerhound&num=10&hl=en&biw=1140&bih=518&tbm=isch&tbnid=bOZtRxwk7Gzw6M:&imgrefurl=http://puppydogweb.com/caninebreeds/scottdeerhnd.htm&docid=v_O5N8XgFWDXRM&imgurl=http://puppydogweb.com/caninebreeds/dogimages/scottishdeerhound_pdw.jpg&w=375&h=326&ei=NazxT9DBDsTx8QOJnenRCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=297&vpy=169&dur=2227&hovh=209&hovw=241&tx=130&ty=112&sig=106275014581041574852&page=2&tbnh=140&tbnw=161
  6. longer tails give dogs more balance mate, and usually are alot better at turning etc, but thats my opinion, if you look into different species you will see species develop long tails for balance and speed, like the cheetah. pure greyhounds have long tails compared to the whippet, because greyhounds are bred for coursing turning, and whippets are bred for short burst kills, salukis also have very long tails but thats more for balance on rough, and bad quality ground. if you look at the scottish deerhounds you will notice they have the longer tails of all the breeds, simply because they were bre
  7. good nuckles, good feet, i like a long neck, but some people like shorter necks, look at its chest does it have a wide chest or a deep chest? some like wide some like deep, and the main thing for me is the length of its tail, if it was down to me id pick the pup with the longest tail, atb dto
  8. best way to see a pup, plenty of fat good for growth! excellent feet aswell mate for a pup atb
  9. bull x looks lean, 1/4 bull? and that saluki grey is a cracker!
  10. i would never charge for my working ferrets, nor any other types appart from micro, black eyed white and european, why should hard to get hold of ferrets be ' cheap '
  11. haha my woodwork teacher gave up last year and dished out the textbooks, those staple guns sure are fun, and the ferreting pegs you can make on the lathes in woodwork
  12. Here you go love eggs this is the tiny squalid conditions my ferrets live in ........ Oh and incase any visitors want to bring their ferrets they have this shit house to use ..... theres nothing special about that, no sawdust on the floor, wont be long your ferrets will get bumblefoot or whatever its called. also in the visitor hutches, why is the mesh here there and everywhere?? and the hutches arent level just thought id tell you again
  13. what a prick you are socks, why judge straight away? even if an 'adult' made it its not a bad effort, and looking at your court/hutches i personally think theyre shit. your hutches arent level, ferrets on a constant slant, and the tubes on the court dont line up? not my cup of tea. i couldnt walk out the back and think gee, i cant line things up... im 16, ill post pics of my ferret hutches, and bird aivery, and my bowback boxes which i make all by myself, i wont lie i do borrow the dads tools but its still made by me haha! and look hunting for life, if you want more ventilation just take out
  14. erm this is not a wind up i am genuine, ive seen un tam ferrets work, tame ferrets work and rescue ferrets work? whats the problem?
  15. please tell me the differences between a bad worker and a good worker? appart from one being tame, and one being as wild as a banshee
  16. the best workers are no different from the worst workers. they both do the same job, and every ferret works in my eyes.
  17. we had a bunch of sleezy wannabe gamekeepers, mooching around in there l200 with the cb's, after a few sightings of them and being caught a couple of times, we established there bed time is 11 anytime after that they dont bother you idiots hahaha and yeah the poacher patrol are trouble caught a few lads out round here like
  18. europeans are hit and miss, ive only got 3 eu jill kits for sale, and all 3 are different prices, my micros are small, but they only have small litters, biggest litter ive had is 3 and black eyed whites never always throw black eyed whites, i free to good working home any other colours in the black eyed white litters, some years i breed out of my working stock, maby every 3 years, but thats just to keep a couple of jills back for my self, theyre all free to good working homes aswell
  19. my pals saluki cross is as patient as it comes, i have whippet cross and his saluki cross is loads better, it sits on the holes marks the right holes, and has good feet and doesnt shiver like my whippet cross in most of the brittish months, it picks up rabbits fast aswell no messing about, but i think anydog will do the job in the right hands.
  20. my micro ferrets are £10 hobs £15 jills, but i have no kits left this year boys, all sold, had a nice little litter black eyed whites same price as micro's and europeans price depend how dark they are p.s. i only breed 1 ferret a year and never have massive litters, and if you come and look at my ferrets there all in top condition on the best food and in great hutches, which are always clean, look at the pictures on there, 6/7 ferrets in 1 small hutch on piss soaked sawdust then they have the cheek to charge the prices they do for the lemon pandas
  21. and the hunting life made me giggle again
  22. the hunting life has made me giggle once again
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