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Everything posted by ranger777

  1. I had 2 goin back 10 years now great dogs 2 hunt over ground but a bit big for ground work, I have tryed 2 get another 1or 2 but they seem 2 be Bedlington x and not all Bedlington, [NO TEXT TALK] keepin all Bedlington!
  2. Again paddy I never questioned weather the dog was marked or not I seen him, but like mixedgrill said there were other dogs in the ring wit marks also, and showed themselves better on the day.....
  3. And I never said anything about a dog showin signs of work, it was his size paddy and the way he SHOWED himself......
  4. So if they show sign of work there workers, and no sign of work there none worker.......
  5. There wil away be those type of people shaneg, like we were told the judges would judge in 2 there knowledge..... Mmmm
  6. I understand what u mean, but then again everybody enters 2 win or else there be no point, like I said I have dug wit terriers for twenty odd years doin versus fox control, neither of those dogs would fit my job, or [NO TEXT TALK] hunting wit hounds! It up 2 those themselves what they keep that what makes us all different , am just sayin it a SHOW and it was said that the dogs would be judged on conformation .....
  7. How do u know they work, was there some think I missed, was there trails there 2 test the dogs, no there wasn't, I have dug wit terriers for twenty old year and just because they look good they don't work.
  8. Agree 100% with you mixedgrill, I was there what a joke I though a show was 2 judge a dog on conformation in the show ring, neither dog had it, what a shame, and this is sopose 2 be the top SHOW in Ireland!
  9. Thanks for all the comments guys I take them on board I have noticed that the older dog not hunting as much [BANNED TEXT] he wit the pup and has gone back a bit in huntin since the pup came along, I kennel both together maybe that needs 2 change, a friend reckons they could be feeding or each other, I don't know it all but just said I'd ask so thanks guys!
  10. Was told that but just thought that she might learn a bit off the older dog but thanks !
  11. Hi just wondering I have a spaniel dog fully trained and hunting very wel he 2 years old I also have a 7 month old bitch just starting to hunt is there any advantage or disadvantage of hunting her wit the 2 year old dog or would it be better on her own!!!!!!!!
  12. hi all i have a 9 mth old spaniel bitch good linage both parents working, i got the bitch 2 mth ago from a friend,,,,, she retrives very wel but not hunting yet,,,,,,,,problem i have wit her is a bit nervous of sudden sounds and when am out walkin her she seems 2 be walkin around me all the time in circles i mean circleing me all the time just thought i ask if [NO TEXT TALK] could help cheers........................................
  13. Dog was about 14 inch bitch smaller, tidy size tho I got them from South Wales, no pic am afraid it must be 10 years or more now, bitch worked til a old age dog died to ground age 4 !
  14. ya had a pair of them a good few years back,,,,,,,,,,,,found them wel capable for the job...............
  15. Ya enjoyed the day out with the family, congratulations to all involved, picked up a few rossette so happy days, some really nice dogs there, congratulation to Kevin on his win crackin terrier we'll done!!!!!!!
  16. Heading down in the morning, great show every year and we'll attended by lurcher,terrier, and hound men, oh and ye girls sorry Catherine .......... See ye all there!!!!
  17. sorry for yours loss dave only just heard the news from matt my sympathy are with u and your family......yis ..........brian.
  18. Are terriers dogs and bitchs together also,and any word on terrier judge,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  19. just wondering is it harder 2 locate the darker coloured bedlington, the bitch i had was very dark in colour almost black!!!!!!!!!
  20. Thanks I take that on board rory4, I want the right 1 this time so don't mind waiting cheers!
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