WANTED Weihrauch HW99S
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I'm after a Weihrauch HW99S preferably in .177 please for sensible money.
Can be tatty but needs to be fully functional and able to post Southampton Hampshire if not local
Weihrauch HW80K or BSA Lightning in .177
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Looking for a Weihrauch HW80K or BSA Lightning in .177 at a sensible price.
Doesn’t have to be pretty since it will be used for hunting but must be shooting straight and functional.
Sold my PCP since didn’t use it but thought it’s always good to have a sub 12ft in the collection for shots you can’t take with rim-fire or shotgun.
Nice to see another Hampshire shooter on here. As for HFT clubs i used to belong here: http://www.mvac.co.uk/
They used to be an excellent club when i shot there a few years back but since getting my FAC the air rifle doesn't get much use. As for permissions, they are VERY thin on the ground in Hampshire. Recently lost my main permission after it was sold for development and only have an air rifle perm left but that sadly has very few things to shoot since we cleared it a few years back.
I am after a steel proofed shotgun after selling my old Winchester 1200 since it was not able to use steel shot. It needs to be able to take steel shot since fancy a try at wildfowling at some point but since i tend to shoot my rifles more than shotgun don't really want to spend more than £300 on a good 2nd hand gun.
I like the idea of a Baikal 27 O/U but no steel proofed multi choke ones about in my price range it would seem.
Lost my Main permission due to the land owner selling for housing development and oddly enough the builders didn't like the idea of me shooting around a building sight.
I'm a FAC & SGC holder and more used to rabbit shooting with Rimfire or pigeon and squirrel with airgun. I generally hunt for the pot and I'm a fully insured BASC member with previous hunting experience. I'm looking to get some more hunting experience around the Hampshire area if posible. I have 4x4 so guess it could be handy for lamping. Only have a small airgun permission left which sadly seems pest free these days so
I'm looking for a cheap CZ452 or Bruno mod 2 with scope and screw cut for moderator to use on the rabbits so doesn't need to look perfect just as long as its all working and accurate.
Thanks for the the advice.
Looks like i'm going to have to zero the gun to 50m again since made a stupid error of leaning it up agaist the car when to got the ammo from the boot and it fell over knocking the zero well out.
I have a permission that has Rabbit, Squirrel but sadly not many pigeon that is FAC cleared if you have an open ticket.
I would like to tag along with someone on there pigeon shoot in exchange for them having a shoot on my Permission. I'm a BASC member and have a Winchester 1200 and ammo but no pigeon shooting experience.
I have finally got vermin control on my FAC and plan to use my Ruger on the rabbits but was wandering what is the best distance to zero the scope since thinking of changing the current one.
Been offerd a BSA S10 Mk3 .22 in swap for my .177 BSA Ultra Multi-shot plus the chap wants cash on top of the S10 in the swap. Is it worth it depending how much cash he also want with the his gun?
If so much would you offer in cash plus my Ultra for his S10?
Finally got a perm that is FAC rated so time to take the Ruger 10/22 out hunting but wandered besides the noise difference through a moderator what are the advantages and disadvantages between the two types when hunting rabbit?
Just wandering what the Falcon FN19 .22 gun is like since trying to swap my .177 Ultra Multi at present since dont get on with the MMC cocking and need more knock down power and just been offerd the Falcon but not sure its a wise choice since they are no longer made so parts may be a problem?
Still up for grabs. Will service fill probe before swap.Can meet half way for FTF if not too far.
Looking for :
Air Arms S200 (Multi shot conversion),S410,S510
BSA Ultra SE, Scorpion, R10 Mk2 (No MMC cocking guns Pls)
Weihrauch HW100