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Everything posted by LurcherLad11

  1. Sadly my best dog ive ever owned got pts recently of old age. I had her since 9 weeks old and i use to spend hours a day training her. her retrieving was good,marking sets, and deffo her recall. she was the most obedient dogs ive ever had. She was an inside dog and at night i used to let her into the garden i went to let her back in and she jumped a 6 foot fence.! but i think she got onto the ferret hutch and then over the fence. I would take her out lamping sunday and thursday night and then on huge hikes in the day. She was the rabbit destroyer she was spot on. She had a few haires back in
  2. Is there any agriculture colleges around the northeast area?
  3. Haha i was trying to be a smart arse and type fast.......
  4. I was speaking to a neighbor who used to go ferreting back in the 80s and he said that the tabbot pipulations deadful you used to be able to walk in any field and it was packe full of rabbits!
  5. Nest year for me was 2010 ferreting and getting 23 rabbits in total with about 4 hours out! Its hard to get permission around here because the lurcher lads round here just poach and dont respect the land they work their lurchers on they leave gates open and scare the livestock. Ive just got to keep going for permission hopefully one day i will ahve some might try today but the snow dosent help. Theres alo of lurcher lads ive seen many of them with different dogs etc. Theres barley anything left i only live in a small village and theres alot of country side around. what do you thinks the best p
  6. Its ruining it for others... Still better luck next year hopefully!
  7. Hows everyones season been. Mine has been utterly rubbish.... i think the rabbit population is getting down every year. Still last years spring no wonder theres no rabbits. Been no rabbits their all on farm land where im going to ask for permission the next season. Ive just been ferreting really and caught nowt. Got a 3 year od lurcher so will be ready to bring on in august if i calculated that correctly. the problem around here is too many lurcher lads going out the wrong time of year getting all the rabbits and ruining it for others. thats the bad side in the sport. hopefully rabbit populati
  8. Gonna right something on notepad print iy off and post it through letter box!
  9. went to about 7 farms half em didnt even answer and one said my husband aint in....
  10. alot of people say if you keep yuor dog inside it affects them. And if theyre out they are real working lurchers. I have a 4 month old pup and i keep it in the kitchen, its fine, house trained and well being. who else keeps them inside or out and whats your opinions
  11. Cheers for all the help, all im wanting is some permission for ferreting and with my dog, its 5 month old already and starting to take it down the allotment with the hens and some sheep fields. Anyway im based in consett Co durham
  12. ANybody got any tips on getting permission, Ive tried a few farms and they said they have some people come on with guns and shhot them.
  13. What food should i feed my 17 week old pup?
  14. Bedlinghton whippet greyhound, good dogs on the rough terrain and exell at catching rabbits....
  15. Thanks, I have a beddy whippet x greyhound, in my pic <. Shes Obedient and stays by my untill i tell her to go off, but now shes too old
  16. Thanks, i does listen in the garden, and i get quite worried, because where i go on my permission its a big bog, loads of trees etc,
  17. Hello to all you people on the forums, I need a little help, before the season starts i need/want to work on my dogs recall, He's about 1year old, and is a bull greyhound x collie greyhound, i have had plenty of rabbits with him on my local farmers permission but now he seems to not listen. he gets the smell of something and goes off searching for it, he either comes back with a rabbit or nothing, i have been spending alot of time with him but i really need to work on his recall so he can come in to me straight away, any help, information needed, thanks!
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