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Everything posted by graham01

  1. I would hazzard a guess at a male hen harrier(bottom) the more likely,but if its an escape maybe a Black Shouldered kite(top)
  2. graham01

    starter bird

    I cant argue with you because my first bird was a kestrel and it was fab, i caught a few various small birds too,but.. out of four friends (three older than me and i was 11or 12) two were killed due to poor management, one flew away because it was over weight,only mine lasted and lived till it was hacked back.I did have a very experienced falconer to call on(not that he liked giving out advice exept"thats shit get a Gos")though but i did take to it quickl.
  3. graham01

    starter bird

    Id go for a redtail mate,i learned more from my common buzzard than i would with any Harris,they are just to easy going for me and you can pick up lots of bad or "slack" habits with them.To many people fail miserably with a second bird after a harris unless you have an experienced mentor or group to go out with,but there again you should have that before any bird really.Find a decent bloke who has flown a few species and ask to tag along
  4. graham01


    Striking looking Gos Jasper,nice to see her hunting.
  5. Fascinating technique Graham Would you let the bird feed up on the whole leg? Ive clipped the wings of my pere/saker & that stopped the bugger flying off witht the booty! His fitness came from running through the grass after the lure lol He wears a little t-shirt too and batters it with his handbag He cant finish the whole leg Kat it would take too long as ive now taught him to use a knife,fork and napkin
  6. Use a cows leg on the lure it always stops mine carrying
  7. graham01

    Bob enters

    With any luck mate,but i think the little shit will still act up lol
  8. graham01

    Bob enters

    Nice one mate well done. great looking bird. Thanks mate
  9. graham01

    Bob enters

    Bob has finally caught his first crow after weeks of trying
  10. They look like flying jesses with a small hole punched in the end for securing Al May be wrong though,I use the same method.Well done with the bird mate hope its one of many.
  11. I personally think if you have only had a Harris and dont have an experienced mentor/friend ,you will struggle with just about everything else,a bit harsh but more often than not very true.
  12. graham01

    My Kestrel

    It looks like Hellboys fist .I got footed today by my G/S male just took my glove off and was feeding him up on what was left of a dragged crow,im not flying him tomorrow so i thought id give him the last bit of chick too,as i passed it onto the bird he spotted it in my mit and nailed me! im such a twonk
  13. graham01

    My Kestrel

    I think you need a thicker glove for that Kestrel Kat,it looks mean
  14. Joe did get her hunting better ,closer in and not paying so much attention to me, i will always be eternally gratefull to Joe for taking her when he did unfortunately i my change in circumstance mean i couldnt keep her.Im not turning what is essentially a dead thread into a slanging match with a third party who doesnt know me or the dog for that matter.
  15. looks like 1 my mate joe trained up i think the 13 months i put into her may have helped somewhat ,she was 95% made when Joe took her because i had some difficulties at home mate.But Joe is a great bloke and wont have anyone say otherwise well from wat i seen [bANNED TEXT] she first came mate she certainly wasnt trained that good joe got her spot on mate not just finished her off She was trained to whistle, stopped imedietly,changed dirrection on command,walked to heel,retreived from anywere look at the clips of her mate
  16. looks like 1 my mate joe trained up i think the 13 months i put into her may have helped somewhat ,she was 95% made when Joe took her because i had some difficulties at home mate.But Joe is a great bloke and wont have anyone say otherwise
  17. I have a trained Sprocker bitch for sale 18mths old,she is a cracking little bitch and will work with gun or hawk.She needs game under her now and i just dont have the time for her as i am flying falcons now.She is trained to whistle,voice and hand signals and will make a fantastic shooting or hawking companion.Decent offers please i will not let her go for nothing as she is a cracking dog with good breeding(bred by Alimac off here) PM me if interested
  18. graham01

    very lucky

    Took out Bob today on one of our farms,cast him off and let him play a bit for 5 mins then swung the lure,gave him four or five passes then offered him the lure.He realy clattered it and i made in and let him eat his ration totaly oblivious to what happened as he was eating i noticed,no tranny,no bell,no fecking tailmount!!!.It had come off, i hooded him and myself and Mick spent the next 20 mins looking for it.I ended up taking off the yagi and just used the coax because of the strength of the signal.I found it evetually and the brass tube mount had just opened up and popped off!(it had been
  19. Hey Hey matey,Hows things Hopefully mate it was a cracking weekend that,i felt rough as f**k driving home the sunday got lost 3 times
  20. graham01

    hard to enter

    I always think making a Harris follow on before you enter them makes them look in towards you to much and wait to be fed.I had a male last year passed to me for the same reason,he flew at 1.4 and took pheasant and rabbit he was flown bfore i got him at 1.3 with very little success.I used a swing lure a lot with him to get him fit and sharp and just put lots of game under him when he was sharp enough.Funnily enough didnt do a lot with a dummy bunny but he took rabbits well enough
  21. Also he is around dogs,kids,other birds,people and is in and out cars every day ,he never so much as flinched when me spaniel give him a good sniff the first time they met
  22. Hed been caught up two days before i got him and had some manning and still needs more manning,its hard with sakers as they are batey anyway but he was just very keen from day one and took to it like a pro.I suppose its testiment to Andy at high cayton falcons that he breeds good steady birds
  23. Bob the 3/8th Gyr/Saker flew free today(left),if i wasnt such a shitty arse it should have been yesterdayHe was 1.10 , a bit lower than i expected and it was very blustery,but he was absolutely lightning fast over 80yards as soon as he seen the lure come out,gave him one pass and in he came.Gave him four flights of one pass a go and called it a day.Thats 15 days from picking him up im pleased as hell,now the real fun begins
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