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Everything posted by graham01

  1. That head shot looks like my mates GosxBlackspar,he was there with us
  2. Good luck with him mate,hope he does the bizz
  3. I would say pere/saker for a first bird (wish i had gone this route) but as Jasper says anything with Praire in it is dynamite if you can handle the temperment!!! i love my male Gyr/Praire,balls like a prize angus bull
  4. A 3/8 bird at 1.11 has enough power mate its just their lack of enthusiasm with corvids.Mine would chase pheasant all day? strange hey,he caught 2 crows in 4 months of trying and struggled killing them(one almost blinding him) .Maybe he would have come good in his second season but i got rid. ATB Graham
  5. What percentage you going for? from a person who has gone down that route i would opt for a pere/saker male for a crow hawk but if you a set on a gyr/saker i wouldnt go for anything less than 3/4.You dont see many people flying male gyr/saker crow hawks,maybe there is a reason.Good luck anyway it would be nice to see one flown with success at crows.
  6. Can you tell me why in merry hell have you put a shrub in your aivery????? what bird do you have a song thrush!!! Why does it need to be non poisonous does your hawk/owl/songthrush eat it?.Why is shingle ideal? why not sand?.Kidda dont give advice out to somebody who is just starting out when you obviously know very little yourself,its very dangerous.As per the thread orginator,if you are interested in falconry are you considering an owl
  7. Thanks Jasper,we will be happy to get a couple of homebred birds to fly out of him mate.
  8. A small clip of an Imprint Tiercel displaying to me while feeding,hopefully he will do the biz next season(sorry about it being sideways lol)
  9. Just got him back today after a two day awol
  10. Falcons (discounting the Kestrel i flew as my first bird) about a year or so.
  11. A couple of clips of Bayliss 4yr old imprint Tiercel,owned by my mate but he doesnt have the time for him at the moment so im keeping him for the forseeable future.He is a food imprint because he is going to hopefully be a semen donor(looking very very promising)but is a tricky bird to handle and fly.The first clip shows this as he goes to pass to the lure but nails me in the back!!Second goes a bit better other that me getting the lure tangled up lol second
  12. Agood carpet cleaner by the sound of it Al
  13. When you get past the "how much stuff can i catch" and get to the "how well can my bird catch quarry" stage you may consider a Gos.Any person with half a inckling of sense can get a Harris to catch quarry,they are superb hawks at oppertunistic hunting puting in minimum effort for maximum results.I stopped flying harrises because it started to bore me a little,bolted rabbits is like shelling peas to a decent one and dropping out of trees onto game birds didnt do it for me.Thats why i went on to longwings for the sheer exileration of the chase,much like watching a gos take a winter cockbird in f
  14. graham01

    New Bird

    Max is up for moult now,ran out of time to get him fit before his lack of a moult last year meant his primaries and deck were in too much of a state to carry on
  15. graham01

    New Bird

    heres what he did to me when i dropped his reward and tried to put it back with a bare hand
  16. graham01

    New Bird

    couple of pics of our new Gyr/Prairie,we called him Mad Max because hes a little insane flys at around the 1.6 to 1.6 1/2 mark and has been flown at Gulls,doves,starling and partridge.We are going to try him at jackdaws,maggies and hopefully crows.VERY aggresive bird and has to be handled with care lol
  17. How is the pup 3/4 cocker cross 1/4 springer. How do you work out those figures you have posted. Just interested to know, as I would have thought that a cros would be 1/2 and 1/2. If you bred a 50/50 sprocker with a full springer it would be 3/4 springer 1/4 cocker
  18. I like to be able to touch any bird without it wanting to kill me before i start to train it,but it doesnt have to be bomb proof.I think steadiness comes with working with the bird and the trust is pushed on greatly during the training period.Once any bird realises you are there every time its fed it overcomes most things,plus falcons dont hurt as much when they foot you!! now its just that bolt cropper of a beak to be wary of lol
  19. I think your bang on,heres me just thinking bop but im sure you are right
  20. Good post Jasper Had him out today,ignored the crow i slipped him at,flew into a group of crows in a copse scattered them and chased one into the distance ,found him 2hrs later soaked in a tree.Here he is drying out earlier
  21. When i necked the crow Al it bit me,my finger was streaming with blood and the cut was like a scalpel cut.They fight back something terrible and there are plenty of dead crow hawks in the ground to verify that.He needs to learn were to grab them (head and feet) to stop injury,if he is on weight he will be back out today to ry again mate.
  22. Bob took his crow no2 late this afternoon but was lucky to come away unhurt.He took a bit of a hiding the other week from a gang of crows when he caught one while lost,today was a fairly unspectacular flight in the open from behind a cowshed so we could jump them,it was about 30-40 yards out and the crow made it about anothe 30 bfore bob took him on the wing.I was running to them and bob started to scream,the crow had hold of him just behind the left eye with its beak.I managed to get it off carefully(got footed by Bob for my efforts), necked it and let Bob eat his fill, it must have been mili
  23. graham01

    harris hawk

    Yea the bird belongs to us both mate,i have trained it but Mick flys it also.He has a female 50/50 gyr saker also that hasnt been flew for a few years but is an AI bird and has threw quite a few chicks,we are probably going to try and fly her soon and just try and get her fit and hopefully enter her on spring crows.If you feel like a few hours out drop me a msg mate and you can swing the lure for Bob!
  24. graham01

    harris hawk

    Lol,ive had a dissapointing season,i have a male gyr saker who we got for corvids,after entering him the weather,work,broken feathers on two occasions and bobs dislike for the black stuff(got a bit of a kicking) have really frustrated us.We are going to give him till the end of the season to buck his ideas up and take to it otherwise he will be moved on and a female pere saker or even a male Gos bought.
  25. graham01

    harris hawk

    When you getting back in the saddle Al mate,you must be chompin at the bit reading these threads
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