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Everything posted by graham01

  1. He is the spit of Max,a bit heavier he flies at 1.61/2 ish
  2. Second kill today,a very unfortunate "various" he pumped 250yds to get the thing:mad: made him work hard to the lure afterwards as punishment lol.
  3. Took a young collared dove the other day it aint a corvid but its a start
  4. graham01

    new arrival

    very nice looking Falcon Mate
  5. Max has been free several days now and is doing very well
  6. graham01


    Its going to be harder to kill a lanner,at worst you will lose it.I just dont get this buying a falcon to fly it around carry on I just cant see the attraction? and to be quite honest neither will you after a few months.
  7. graham01


    You dony have the room outside? were will the bird weather during the day then? it cant just sit indoors and only see daylight when flying,as ive said before to people on here if you dont have the space/time/land to fly a bird dont get one.AKS need very secure weathering as the are often killed by spars,Euros are not as bad but still need secure sroundings to sit during the day.If you think im trying to put you off you are right,more people should discourage this type of "bird keeping" on forums and there would be as many unhappy birds sat in peoples gardens.
  8. Ive just got my Gyr/Prairie back out,i love em,full of fire lol.
  9. graham01


    Although some have worked certain terriers with hawks,it can be dangerous and there have been fatalities,so its not a thing i would do.There are a few Falconry clubs around that area http://www.yorkshirefalconry.org.uk/ http://www.northernenglandfalconryclub.co.uk/
  10. graham01


    Its a radio tracking system,you put a small radio transmitter on your bird,attached to the tail,back or leg usually and when flown can be tracked with a receiver and ariel (yagi).When you sweep around with the yagi,the reciever will pick up the pulsing sound of the transmitter as sort of beep-beep-beep and will be strongest when pointed in the direction of the tranny,you just follow the signal and get your bird back this is a basic description
  11. Is the bird still alive! lost! or pulling crows and gulls from the skt as i type.
  12. Is it ? id better go get my male back and tell him that cos i thought he was s**t.Peregrine hybrids are the most flown at Crows.
  13. Stunner mate,just beautifull
  14. graham01

    which falcon

    I would like to fly a Goldie but dont have the land for one,so i wont get one,thats the idea of getting a hawk to suit your land.I love flying falcons but if i didnt have the land to hunt it i would jack it in,i just dont think hawks are pets and we should distance falconry from bird keepers for the sake of the sport,anyone who thinks just because they have a football field to exercise on, can buy a falcon and think the bird will stick to that area and all wil be well (i am generalising and not saying thats what you have) but it never works that way,the bird will wander and if you dont have th
  15. hi graham, she is a crow falcon coming up to her fourth season, her hunting weight is 1lb 11oz he has flew pere/sakers and gyr/sakers which were good birds but he really likes these prairie hybreads he says ther full of p!!s and vinager and thats what he likes about them some people dont like them for that reason but he recons it brings a little bit more in to the field if you understand what i mean kev. I love em Kev and would like to try a Female g/p or p/p for crows aswell
  16. Cheers for that Kev,what does your dad fly at.
  17. graham01

    which falcon

    cant see the point of a "lure bird" unless you do displays.Get a bird that when you are fed up of swining a lure will hunt for its supper,like rikardo said a nice pere/saker female for ease of entering or a fem gyr/saker at least.We are after all Faloners and not bird keepers,at least i am.
  18. He is third hand mate,i think it was Armthorpe,he flys at 1.6 to 1.6 1/2.He will tell you he is to weak to fly at that and just not put effort in initially but put his weight up and he dots out and is off!
  19. Got Max out of the moulting chamber today at 5pm,it was easier than i thought it would be ,netted,jessed back up and out in 10 minutes.He spent the next 10 minutes screaming and hanging upside down,but with my reveloutionary manning tecniques (i let him bite and foot me till he is as fed up as me)he was feeding on the fist by 8pm,his food ration had been reduced for two days prior.He is looking stunning now he has had a good moult and has all his own tail and primaries.
  20. you are going to have to be very profficient with your telem chasing pigeons,you will have some very very long track downs ,i have a male Gyr/Prairie that has a fondness for them, i was told this by his former owner who has tracked him for over 6 mile chasing them.He will try even when completely unfit.
  21. I take it you mean pigeons?,did he take it off the fist in pirsuit? if so that is a remarkable acheivement.
  22. The quicker you get him in the air the quicker he wil settle down,he will look forward to you picking him up when he is getting out to fly.It was 15 days from me getting my Gyr/saker to him flying free,and it was amazing how quickly after flying free the bating stops. i have a Gyr/Prairie and he is even better(wrong words lol) he is mental till his weight comes down and is free,and i mean MENTAL
  23. Ive not flown GXBS but will comment on how good they are or arent when ive flown one myself or at least when i see it hunting this season wth my own two eyes,otherwise my opinion would be completely baseless and have no meaning. Alf is the one of most experienced sparviters in the NE and most experienced falconers ,period, i know.The bird is stunning and seeing and getting my hands on it makes me confident that this bird will destroy partirdge and pheasant this year,it is so switched on even compared to a Gos or spar and Alf being exited as he is at the prospect speaks volumes to me,as for pri
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