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Everything posted by wyeman

  1. By allowing your bitch to run wild for the last 9 months, you have made a difficult task for yourself. In fact you have trained the pup to be disobedient, she knows that despite any recall or pleas to come back to you, for the last 9 months she has been encouraged to ignore them. Training a dog is not rocket science, it is about consistency a degree of firmness and at all times absolute obedience. That is why, in my view, it is a mistake to commence formal training of a pup too early in it's life. Forget electric fences and any ideas of electric collars. Find yourself a secure area, is
  2. Where in the Country are you?
  3. If you are not careful the dog will become a liability and an embarrassment to you and it's down to the total lack of obedience. Forget about retrieving - the dog will already do that. It needs basic obedience training and you need to go back to step 1 and get that obedience instilled before you try and advance any further. You could find it hard going because the you have allowed the dog get away with disobeying you but, depending on how serious you are, you may find it advantageous to consult a professional gundog trainer.
  4. Dogs will run in if they have not been correctly trained! Once she is returning to you with the retrieve, don't overdo the retrieving training otherwise she will come to expect to retrieve. But by far the most important part of the training is the basic obedience, without that you are on a hiding to nothing, particularly with a wide ranging dog like a pointer. Good luck.
  5. Make sure you carry out retrieving training with only one dog present otherwise there may be jealousy issues. Take the bitch to a fresh piece of ground that she is not used to. After letting her have a short scamper throw the dummy and as soon has the dog picks the dummy up, call her and walk or even run from her, encouraging her all the time. Don't take the dummy off her straight away, but praise and stroke the bitch whilst she still has the dummy in her mouth. You then need to build on this success. In relation to gamefinding, I would be introducing the pups now.
  6. This isn't very far away - THE GAMEKEEPERS' FAIR 13 - 14 April 2013 Location: Catton Park, Walton on Trent, South Derbyshire, DE12 8LN
  7. Stevie, Don't be in too much of a rush to start formal training the pup, let it enjoy it's puppyhood and see you as it's best friend. You will soon know when the pup is ready for training and then it's a consistent regime of black or white. By that I mean, a command given to a pup must always be obeyed, today, tomorrow and the next day. There can be no relaxation in this rule, otherwise you will end up with an example of a dog that 90% of guns/beaters turn up with at a shoot and then spend the rest of the day making excuses for/apologising/being embarrassed about. A well trained obedi
  8. The results for those interested; 2013 English Springer Spaniel 1st - FTCh Broomfield Rosetta - Owner/Handler: Eddie Scott 2nd - FTCh Doncaster Star - Owner/Handler: Andy Whitehouse 3rd - FTCh Buccleuch Jazz - Owner: The Duke of Buccleuch - Handler: David Lissett 4th - FTCh Rosebay Fantasy - Owner/Handler: Aubrey Ladyman
  9. Allowing a pup it's puppyhood is totally different to allowing it to run riot. I am presently introducing my totally untrained, apart from returning to his name, 7 month Spaniel pup to a a rabbit pen. The idea to this is that whilst it is busy self hunting the cover, he will discover fresh scent and rabbits to follow. This introduction will, depending on the puppy, only take place 2 possibly 3 times, any more and you will ingrain that habit of out and out chasing into the pup and make your future training to steadiness that much more difficult. Very much like your experience of allowing the
  10. Thanks for those videos, I know an operation will be required but will it be the end of the dog's working life, anyone had experience of this?
  11. I have just had this diagnosed on a hard hunting Spaniel. NATACC how did your situation resolve itself?
  12. You can only use a rifle, here is a starter for your research - http://www.thedeerinitiative.co.uk/uploads/guides/172.pdf
  13. A point I have tried to make on a number of threads of a similar nature is that a puppy should be allowed to be a puppy. Many advocate teaching a puppy to sit, hunt and heel when it is a few weeks old, no wonder the pup becomes 'sticky'. Play with it, let him see you as his best friend, he will soon realise that you are the provider of free running exercise. You will soon know when the pup becomes receptive to training - many of the great trainers of gundogs would not start training until a pup was 8 months old! PS. Although heelwork is one of the basic and early requirements in the Labr
  14. 1. Near Tamworth, Staffs - www.garlandsshootingground.co.uk 2. Walsall - www.sportingsupplies.co.uk
  15. You need to decide how serious you want to take it. Do you want a camera that you can carry in your pocket and just point and shoot? Have a look at this site it explains and reviews the various cameras available and may help you with the compact v DSLR v Bridge argument. http://www.dpreview.com/articles/2367736880/roundup-enthusiast-zoom-compact-cameras
  16. Is this down to the vehicle or driver? Mmmmmm........Driver!
  17. The silent whistle was all the rage at one time, but many handlers found they went out of tune and were easily blocked by debris. The vast majority use the washable plastic 210.5 or 211.5 whistles
  18. I have had one since 2001. A comfortable, reliable workhorse that still looks in great external condition. When I can bring myself to part with this one, I would without hesitation, replace it with another!
  19. There is a real chance that you would ruin the pup even if you leave him in the van. The noise - beaters shouting, gunfire and if it's the usual beating line, other beaters dogs running wild etc. Your pup is still a baby and needs gradual introduction to all these excitements. But these gradual introductions need to made under your control, not at a shoot, where you have no control! It also depends on what standard of dog you are happy with - a steady,confident and obedient working dog or a wild, uncontrollable dog, you end up embarrassed owning. A lot of owners are, understandably, ea
  20. Absolutely correct by Irish Lurcher. You wouldn't try to teach an 8 week old baby to walk or talk! Let the pup grow up and allow it to form a bond with you, play with it, the puppy needs to see you as it's best friend - it's provider of fun and free running exercise! The pup will soon let you know when more considered training is necessary, usually around 6 months old. Also it is important to remember, not to over exercise a young puppy, you can cause serious health problems.
  21. Labs are fairly late in maturing, so do not be in too much of rush to start formally training it. Let it be a puppy but remember to socialise it with traffic, other dogs & people. If this is your first dog it may be useful to see whether any of your local gundog societies are running training classes.
  22. Nobby. Nice knives. How do you become a mate of yours?!!
  23. of all the sites on the internet you quickly thought of this one Well, I did consider 'the badderdale fell runners society' but discounted that! well they could be fast fell running, scooby owning coursers Point taken, I will go and pose my question there.
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