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Everything posted by wyeman

  1. I live at the other end of the Country but I am really concerned that I understand him!
  2. From the ridiculous to the sublime? Watch this - http://www.selfreliancecentral.com/2018/09/19/girl-with-gun-teaches-thug-painful-lesson/
  3. jwed, PM me your details and I will send you a couple of training books
  4. I've been waiting at Battlefields Island for two days and no one else has shown up!
  5. Where's the link for donating?
  6. We've been down this track many times. Some folk feel that they are entitled to go where they like and poach (steal) what they like. But if these same folk found someone trespassing on their property, or heaven forbid, stealing their property it becomes a totally different scenario!
  7. BBB, If the pup is chasing birds just think how he will be, when he comes across a rabbit or Hare - you may lose him! Sounds like basic training needs to commence and I would suggest a Gundog train book to get the basic obedience started. Even better many Gundog societies are starting training classes that you may want to join. An untrained spaniel becomes an embarrassment and many shoots are plagued by them!
  8. Might scuff the polish off your boots................................ plug 'em, you know it makes sense!
  9. Better than practise on a range!
  10. This is the problem of well meaning but untrained people giving advise. Unless there is evidence that the original poster was actually driving his vehicle, why should he admit driving down the lane for a cup of tea? The fact that he does make that admission, is supplying information to the council, information they may not have had in the first place!
  11. Take unqualified advise with a massive pinch of salt, to do otherwise will be at your peril. If there is any possibility of legal action being taken against you - take a solicitor. If a solicitor attends on your behalf, he/she must be given sight of the evidence against you (Disclosure). The solicitor will then be able to advise you BEFORE any interview takes place.
  12. http://www.westerntelegraph.co.uk/news/national/16213927.Father_who_tried_to_kill_children_with_hammer_has_sentence_increased_by_10_years/ There was I thinking it was good for your health!
  13. On the BBC today http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-43555314
  14. Another excellent post, one of the most interesting and understated hunting threads on here - many thanks!
  15. Great video with very accurate comments on cats and their hypocritical owners!
  16. Please send me your list of fly fishing books
  17. You can add at least another 5000 to your thoughts - https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/gobekli-tepe-the-worlds-first-temple-83613665/
  18. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/201145
  19. Sorry James to be blunt, but the dog was taken out shooting before it was adequately trained/obedient. Depending on how old the dog is and how long the dog has been allowed to get away with disobedience, very much depends what you can achieve. If the dog is fairly young, get back to basic obedience lessons and make sure the dog obeys every command. Do not take the dog shooting or into any situation whereby you feel the dog will be disobedience through being distracted by other influences. Once basic obedience is instilled then try and find a sundog trainer with access to a rabbit pen. Dog
  20. Good to see your return Matt - the knife scene has been poorer without your presence!
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