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wood smoke

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About wood smoke

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    north west
  • Interests
    wine,woeman and song...(oh and terriers)

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  1. One point that has gone unnoticed in this topic is the people who critisise this man , have read nearly every one of his books ! if you think someone is that bad or a liar why scrutinise every book they have ever written??? can quote chapter after chapter ... I really and mean really enjoyed tales of a rat hunting man ...an artisian hunter and the fell terrier they taught me to read !!!! These are the only ones i read but read them that many times i got a gist of the the fella.... and the critics the usual guys who have tryied to critise other dead men even in this thread who wher
  2. There better worked singled handed.... so a couple of plummers would bring each other on with long tails but for bigger stuff be paitient....there slow starters if at all ......
  3. There is another big dan on here !!!! darrrrrn south battle it out boys......
  4. count me in , the wiggin tree pints plus great view !!!
  5. Thats the thing people either swear blind it can happen or just doubt it like me cos it sounds unlikely.... never once have i been convinced either way...
  6. PM moxy i think he has a decent sized fox trap doin nothing...
  7. Can you still fish off the rocks at seaforth ?
  8. She looks well muscelled up good luck this season. ws
  9. This is a bit hard to put into words to explain clearly but here goes.... if say a pedigree dog example dalmation where to be accidentaly covered by example a doberman dog ,the bitch had her pups and then in the future she was bred only ever to pedigree dalmations is it possible that a black and tanned or any other characteristic of a doberman can crop up in future dalmation litters ???? This quetion started when a german sheperd coverd a borzoi years ago and the owner whent beserk saying his champion bitch was ruined for good.... i didnt think this was possible and still dont howeve
  10. Hi lads ive put it about iam after an air rifle and a bloke phoned me offering a theoben fen man, its a springer apperantly they dont make em anymore, has anyone got / used one and how would you rate em, my last gun was a B.S.A meteor so a bit of advice would be great. cheers w s.
  11. my biggest amongst the many are parting with a russell bitch over 15" and barely spannabl ignoring the fact she was an absoulte demon, beliveing all i read and blind to what was in front. ps. out of respect would never have another russell give.
  12. Bradders mate you've probably stopped reading this thread, but hope it doesnt put you off posting in future, you've probably had a laugh at a few light hearted jokes the pricks that tried to rip you personally are just that pricks ! smart dog ffs you aint an anti .
  13. Just read this story in the sun what a sicko ! this is what he's been caught doin imagine what he's got away with. should be sectioned for life.
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