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Adam Thebowl Maher

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Everything posted by Adam Thebowl Maher

  1. bodyclock is ruined... dont know when to sleep... bloody night shifts!!... might go for a walk with the haatsan.. :)

    1. Born Hunter

      Born Hunter

      Don't fall asleep behind the trigger! LOL

  2. i have a hatsan AT44-10 .22 and im starting to love it... at first i thought it was abit to new of a gun, as in some companys have teething problems with their 1st version of a gun but i went shooting with my hatsan lastnight and mannaged to take a crow at 35 yards not problem a starling at 50 yards and it didnt even flap just stone dead and a pinpont headshot on another crow at 25 yards.... i havent mannaged to use it on rabbits yet but im confident it wont let me down.... it has never jammed never double loaded its a grate gun...
  3. Can u pm mate I'm out all day today so ill be on my phone and its easyer for me to look at my pm' s cheers buddy
  4. well i went to my local gun shop yesterday to have a look at the logun s16 and i think its a verry nice gun... do u know if its a mk1 or mk3 ? cheers adam
  5. i have no idea what u have just wrote in this topic but i just spent 10 mins looking at your avatar....I LIKE !!
  6. Ok mate can u email me some pics to amaher@live.co.uk please
  7. Could u find out how much it would cost to WS15 matey
  8. please keep coming with your offers i dont mind adding some cash... if you would like more pics just ask and ill send them you via moblie
  9. sorry mate i really wanted another precharged gun instead of a springer... they are lovely guns though
  10. replyed cheers mate... keep the offers rolling in guys and gals cheers adam
  11. if your little fella is out hunting and learning with you then there is no better place... it will soon come to the time where he has a choice.. go roaming the streets causing trouble or go roaming the fields hunting and getting a fantastic life experiance... when i have kids ill teach them from day one respect animals but they are food...
  12. i have seen a few on gunstar recently mate
  13. i am offering my hatsan AT44-10 its a 10shot precharged .22 with silencer and HAWKE panorama EV 3-9x50 IR scope(the one with the pritty couloured mill dots).. its a craking gun quiet and deadly... its has a 70 shot capcity wich is good if you dont have easy acess to a bottle... the whole set up has cost arround £550 and im looking for a swap or offers for a differnt air rifle as im only a young lad an i want to get my hands on as meany different rifles as i can im located in the west midlands... please feel free to offer me what you have...(no stupid offers) ps.i know my s
  14. i am offering my hatsan AT44-10 its a 10shot precharged .22 with silencer and HAWKE panorama EV 3-9x50 IR scope(the one with the pritty couloured mill dots).. its a craking gun quiet and deadly... its has a 70 shot capcity wich is good if you dont have easy acess to a bottle... the whole set up has cost arround £550 and im looking for a swap or offers for a differnt air rifle as im only a young lad an i want to get my hands on as meany different rifles as i can im located in the west midlands... please feel free to offer me what you have...(no stupid offers) ps.i know my s
  15. how much mate i live less than 20 mins away ill pick up asap if the price is right..
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