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Everything posted by spindolero

  1. shaping up to be a nice type of dog must say i like the look of these beardies,
  2. sorry to hear that mate, RIP
  3. great pictures, hope you finished the season in style.
  4. i went to Ireland for the first time this winter, met a terrierman that would not enter a dog into rocks, he kept digging types and in his words "you need a wanker that can dance like a cat"
  5. i think Duckwing and Jasper will like this one.............................
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEt7PtNz6_o&feature=fvst thanks jasper, that reminds me of Saturday afternoons at Stamford Bridge ............................long time ago now
  7. see Maori glaring at the camera in the distance.
  8. brilliant pic of the fox in the white grass Old Dog, he must have been after the same rabbits as you.
  9. tell Oliver he looks like he has a few more grey hairs, it must be all that hunting next to motorways!
  10. Andy says he's fitted in great at the kennels, we'll see what he's about next season and keep you posted. When do you finish for the season?
  11. nice pics, old Malachy still at it then.
  12. I use three or four JRT in foxhole, all my dogs are 10'-12' (height) and 5-6 kg, they are little and very fast under the hearth... the fox bolting is fast... only three or four? what about big places?
  13. nearly put that up myslef last nite but 'It Mek' won out-great song nonetheless
  14. think you were a lucky man to see the stuff you did Stig, when's the book coming out?
  15. i blame stig trying to re-live his youth :tongue2:
  16. been done to death mate, loads of old gould threads if you do a search best of luck
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR7du9rBTNc&feature=fvwrel
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