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Everything posted by spindolero

  1. Because you want a Wheaton x lurcher to catch stuff and kill single handed, regardless if it's getting stick The best ones i have seen were full on, when the red mist comes down - that's what you expect in a Wheaton x lurcher. I'd want a busher to be steady and thorough, not missing bits of cover because it's like a bull at a gate. Nose, feet, coat & ability you can get from a number of other breeds more suitable temperament wise.
  2. I'm not sure, you want a bushing dog to do a few things, including work away from you, work with other dogs and work around stock. In my eyes you're putting a lot of trust in a half x Wheaton. I don't disagree that upbringing is important, but I personally feel that Wheaton's have a low temper threshold and that can sometimes override even the best training. Plus what can a pure Wheaton bring to a busher that a spaniel, a beagle or a terrier doesn't bring? The only thing i can think is aggression and that's not something I would want in a busher. I spoke to a lad that had a staf
  3. i actually knew a fella that broke them a few times, mainly on basis he was digging round Salisbury and the chalk and flint was hard going and he smashed the soles. in fairness they resoled them for next to nothing.
  4. best of luck with that mate, think i'll get one myself. had a nice couple of days hunting up there couple years back
  5. i couldn't tell you mate, was asked to put the pics up by a friend that used to keep this line of terriers
  6. friend of mine had them in s wales in 80s
  7. i heard there was some decent stuff once out of east london
  8. ye would like something like that myself one day, purely looking for something to hit stuff up for the lurchers
  9. what sort of dogs suit you now? you're hants now yeah?
  10. v disappointed tbh. i got on Kindle, so not seen those pics. That aside the content is laughable. So one terrier had such a good nose on top you could loose it in a 1000 acre (yes one thousand) forestry & it would find the fox, not only that, it would only be 50 yards behind the fox when he broke cover & was shot?? Secondly a dog on a dig managed not only to bottle up a dozen animals, but because they'd broke through behind the dog he proceeded to pull all of the twelve one by one. that aside it's the usual fell terrier ramblings about entering dogs into "bad spots"
  11. seen hounds go to ground, some drive on these types
  12. boys i know that do it basically use first season as way of ensuring they are 100% with sheep, putting them in situations where they could go wrong and watch how they react. if they're 2 miles from you and go wrong it's too late
  13. whats the rough coated one in pics mate?
  14. Why even let the man come out with hounds if he's rifling too ?
  15. Dam Wheaton grey bull grey (hickling stuff mainly) Sire 3/8 5/8 Wheaton grey out of a father daughter mating. Up in Yorkshire
  16. on a trip to Ireland met a lad that had rockpiles on his permission, he had out and out digging dogs and avoided the rocks, saying "you need a wanker that can dance like a cat" lol no offence intended, the phrase tickled me.
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