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Everything posted by Richardhomer

  1. It’s a really good magazine. I have enjoyed the two issues tht I had brought off them.
  2. Hi mate. I'm also new to keeping ferrets. My two Jill's will be around the same sort of age as yours. I let mine out each day for play time. Mine also do the play biting of my fingers. Had a couple of little nips off the one, I don't see anything wrong with a bit of play fighting with your ferrets. I also have done this with puppets and kittens too. My two Jill's play fight with each other and sometimes they really go at it. But then they do it with me they do seem to be more careful. Others may think we are setting our sleds up for trouble then they are older. I would be in
  3. Never seen it. Think I might give it a go.
  4. I help out at my kids school. They do out door learning called "forest school" if you Google it you will find its a growing thing happening in more and more schools now. We take a class of young kids out to a local wooed area that we have the use of. We have a camp fire , the kids can go bug hunting. Do digging. Build dens. The older ones can do whittling too. Sometime we will cook on the fire. It's all child led play. They learn a little about the out doors. They learn about themselves and each other. That they have to help each other to get what they want to achieve. It's the
  5. They call the noise they make. "Dooking" They make it when they are happy. My two Jill Kitts really go at it when they are out playing. Good fun to watch them sometimes. It might look a bit rough to us but it's good fun for them.
  6. Hi mate. How are you getting on with the wasp problem ? Hope you have been able to sort it.
  7. Not seen many wasps by me this year. As for the bedding. There could be something on it that a attracting them too it. Change the bedding and see if it happens again. If it dose it could be the batch of straw that you have has something they like on it.
  8. I was interested to read this thread as this year I got my forest ferrets. I wanted to see if I over paid for Orr got mine as a bargain. Both of mine are Jill's one pole cat and one albino. They come from working stock. I had them at 10 weeks old. From a local guy. I paid £10 each for them. Which at the time I happy to pay as I know they have to be fed and cared for, and any baby animal dose take up your time. It seems that £10 is about the average price to pay for one. I live in the black country, west midlands . On local for sale sites when I were looking for ferrets. They were ask
  9. It's better that you find out now that one of the forks were rotten or weak, than when you have tied your three bands around it and your taking a shot. Good luck with your next try mate.
  10. I've got a few natural forks that I cut a while ago if there any good to you mate? Make some nice catties, if you pay postage (about £3) I'll chuck some theraband gold elastic in and a pouch to get you going? Let me know cheers That's a very good and kind offer off.you mate for the other member.
  11. Look.like the Kitts are getting stuck into there meal there mate. I had my two Jill Kitts at about 8-9-10 weeks old. They are around 13-14 weeks old now. Both are growing and comming on great. One pole cat and one albino.
  12. I wanted French beans this year. Not very good at all. The plants seem to have stunted. On the other hand my fruit has been amazing this year. Bumper crop on everything. It's been my year ever for soft fruit.
  13. Never been mate. But it's the sort of holiday that would interest me. I've looked and the deer stalking holidays in the past. Where they show you the how too. Take you stalking and if you pay extra you can even bring some of meat back from.the kill. But these shoulda are well out of my price range at the moment. Still one day when the kids are older I hope to go o n one
  14. Lots of people.reporting problems whitish red mite this year. I think it will only get worse as more and more people are keeping chickens in there gardens so the breeding and sped of the mites will be easier. Warm summer and a warm winter have done the red mite the world of good too.
  15. Sorry for your loss mate. RIP Max
  16. Thanks for your reply , I'm a bit shocked really that front line is ok for ferrets. I would have had it down as being too strong. I shall look into getting some. I bathed them in with shampoo yesterday. Hutch and bedding all cleaned. I do know that both flea and mite are a big problem this year. Dogs , cats and chickens are all being hit bad. Some parts of the country are worse than others. It's all down to the warm winter that we had and the nice warm start to the stunner / that we have all bee/ enjoying. Our male cat has to be treated often as he has an allergic to flea bite
  17. Thanks for the replay , I think they might have picked the fleas up from being allowed to run around the living room. Don't know really Anyway. House cArpets have been treated now. Hutch has been cleaned out yesterday, will be doing it again tomorrow, and I shall get some flea shampoo for them and bath them tomorrow too. Cats will be treated tonight when they get in for there dinnner
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