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old hand

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About old hand

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  • Birthday 21/04/1948

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    breeding cage birds,making crooks and sticks,all aspects of the hunting life,dogs
  1. back in the day when Adam wore a jersey the favourite small lurcher in our area was 1/4 collie ( intelligence ) 1/4 terrier (Bedlington or Irish )( gameness ) 1/2 whippet ( speed and biddable ) this type of lurcher could always fill the pot day in and day out
  2. to judge the ammount of powder to use go by the colour of the birds droppings salmon pink needs a tad more powder dark red a tad less cheers old hand
  3. siskins are the easiest for a novice,linnets and redpolls are harder to breed as the cocks can be very hard on the hens,if the cocks are in high condition they will often destroy the eggs to drive the hens to nest again,if using any of these three pairings run a pair in a double breeder 3ft long 18 inches high 1ft deep put 2 nest pans in,supply plenty of nesting material and introduce an irish or fife hen the canary hen will come into condition 1 month to 6 weeks before the british hen and the british cock will be proven by the time the british hen comes into condition,the side of the double
  4. The conventional method of muling is usually british cock to canary hen with the exceptuion of the bullfinch,(the bullfinch cock will only breed with the bullfinch hen,something to do with penis alignment???maybe bullie cocks have a drink problem lol !! )you can reverse the pairings and use canary cocks but this is usually more difficult.There are 2 sizes of mules at shows,mules and miniature mules.Norwich yorkshire and border are the larger type of canary used for mules,coloured dimorphic fifes and irish for miniature mules,norwich are the prefered choice for muling,although personally I th
  5. Hi I've been following this forum for a wee while now and enjoy it's contents, happy to join up and thanks for having me. old Hand
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