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Everything posted by Barnett

  1. Thanks for the help guys, Mark i'll definately give you a ring. One more thing as i'm new to this forumn stuff i've no idea what a typo is . Keep the advice coming , thanks again.
  2. Hi , i'm now forty something and have always wanted a career in pest control,but life has took me in other directions until now when i can fully commit to this. I have had a shotgun license for thirty years and worked ferrets for the same length of time , i have also joined a local rifle club with a view to obtaining my F.A.C. My questions are have i left it too late? ,(hopefully not), what's the next step to get into pest control?,(with regard to training and/or gaining experience). I am self -employed at the moment so understand fully that side of things , plus it means i can at the momen
  3. I'm going to need advice , but will post that on shooting oppourtunities , thanks in advance.
  4. Cheers guys , seams like a really friendly place.....
  5. Hi everyone , as the title says . I'm one of those good awld norfolk boys.
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