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About Borntohuntbow

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 08/07/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    In a field
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  1. afternoon you lovely lot I have a ess bitch ready for work sh stops of whistle and recal brill retrieve like a good un steady around lound bangs (dummy laurncher) but I am in a pickle :/ I have no shoots to go on I live in the chesterfield area ? but can travel dunno if this is the right place to put this but if there is any one that can help me I would be very greatfull and I can only go in the week as I am at work every weekend thanks in advance joe
  2. Morning you lot I am wanting a hunting sleeve I want lurtchers deers and fox and hare rabbits spaniels pheasant ducks all sorts what you lads got !
  3. Lol ever f****r looks out there window lol when I am Walking down the street
  4. Hello and good morning I have a sal x gray pup and she walks off the lead and happy as a pig in poo! But I have been trying the lead and she screems like hell how can I do This and she dosent like in she just lies down and won't move and of I let go Of the lead she walks like she's off the lead anyone know what I can do or had this Trubble [BANNED TEXT]
  5. Ok I work a good few hours so I thought if I had a little hawk I could have more benofit out if it I fly my mates goshawks with him but I no they will need a lot of time witch tbh I haven't got :/
  6. Borntohuntbow


    How meany of you fly them and what you think and also what sort if Avery do you keep them in ? Add your picks plz thanks a lot
  7. Ok thanks a lot mate I am getting him fitter
  8. Morning fellow hunters my dog was on lamp the other night he was turning like a bus he's a big dog like but my mate sak x gray turns better is there any way of improving this or is he not fit ? He looks fit but ? Should I make him look lean ?
  9. Searched on google and non in chesterfield pop up and I will have pop in to a vets !
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