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Everything posted by U.L.D.A

  1. sensible price stays there for the pencil sketches shell get plenty of business
  2. salty water and savlon and a nice warm bubble bath in radox to release the stress
  3. the whippeters better get the pink jackets ready and armbands for sunday incase they drowned bless if one of them slips and brakes a nail
  4. lamp a golf course no long grass there he runs on that 100 yards he might just get a hole in one
  5. rap the c**ts door these people need confronted lets face it theyll not stop till they are
  6. what will you be using the pup for mate is the bitch lacking anything you want to add fire brains coat feet
  7. stick with the bitch if you think shell make the grade if not get her shifted that winging brakes anyones patience
  8. http://www.google.co...unjg5LRB-oGBOGA for billybaltic so he doesnt have a sore head all night lol
  9. they will have no chance against that collie of yours
  10. He has one nut take a picturee of the dogs ball prove thats the maverick simple
  11. get free hearts fat liver bef bones of the butchers you look hard enough you will find a butcher willing
  12. now theres some nice dogs credit till ya mate
  13. stick the russel on the lead your areas got rabbits you from ww
  14. mate if i can hoke out the spare box its yours if i can find the thing dont need 3 things to do 1 job
  15. two jills and i think the jabs a tenner not sure but i had a we jill for 8 years i never bred and she didnt go young lol dont buy any know
  16. 30 quid to watch something you can go out and do for free lol
  17. nothing mate they get what the dogs catch lol how many ferrets you getting
  18. go to the greyhound track or wherever you can get beef chicken tripe from id buy chicken beef tripe put in pound weight bags feed beef one day chicken another tripe the next but try and put abit of meal through the system
  19. pigeons rabbits crows foxes cat never dog food biscuits or dry food nautraul organic all the way
  20. I'm sure Ian will thank you for that lol any thing to help if he want to clear hes name get his pont across shold he not get the chance but more than likely hel have seen it
  21. email on his website il do it
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