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Everything posted by FARGO BOYLE

  1. no that thread was full of lies and conspiracies belter lol:)
  2. One just opened me front door
  3. he was a drunken peado for f**k sakes lol
  4. I suppose Its their heritage and culture , English men wouldn't understand because they have neither :D
  5. Would also make you Irish , Welsh , French , German. Pretty much the rest of the universe
  6. Give ya no,s 4 and 8 rest are shite.
  7. Problem being both were bitches so doubtful if a mating would be successful wouldn't you say?LMBO he has to be the thickest kunt on here coming from someone who spells c**t kunt lolit's all just lost on you ! AND JESUS WEPT
  8. Problem being both were bitches so doubtful if a mating would be successful wouldn't you say?LMBO he has to be the thickest kunt on here
  9. think wirrallman is digging a hole for himself being a serious digging man. but owning a plumber terrier , but then again dee if you have dug with him who am i to query
  10. am i missing something here gorger :laugh:
  11. so van load of knackers call (MORE THAN ONCE)to enquire about the dog and you and hitcher dont try and find out who they are ! there is always someone who will know the thieving scum, ps where did this happen??
  12. same down here, there is always a connection between ASDA and skanky DRUG DEALERS c@nts need ridding up
  13. do you know the surname of these scum, so called "travellers " artful ..
  14. have you just the one wheaton L330 , cracker animal btw
  15. aye wonder how many thl members wud dip them in flour and deep fat fry them
  16. did she get knocked up over there ?
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