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Everything posted by laad

  1. Maximus, he wants it for rabbits and foxes on lamp and retrieving crows. Ya I was thinking they'd be fair heavy; it's his choice though. I presume they'll all be rough coated?
  2. Hi lads a friend is looking for a new pup and he just showed me this ad: http://www.donedeal.ie/for-sale/dogs/4259943 Are they worth buying? I was also wondering why someone breed a 7/8 deerhound like the sire? atb
  3. I'm fully aware of that Ray and I said I'm not going to, I'm merely curious about the behaviour of them.
  4. I was talking to an old farmer who used to lamp the occasional deer today. He said that the best kind of weather to get them was dry bright windy nights; he reckoned that they used be able to see what they were doing better. Is there any truth to what he said? I've never lamped deer and I have no intention of doing it I'm simply curious, also I wouldn't want my gun to be taken away from me.
  5. Dirty c**ts, we all know the ethnic group who are doing it too
  6. Will you post up the link please, I can't find them
  7. Ya got a cub last Friday, called it to 20 ft no bother. I want to get rid of a lot of foxes for a man who's starting lambing outside this year; that's why I got the dog. He's 1/4 pit 3/4 grey, serious lad but very unfit. you might need a lad with a terrier as well to help you as you wont get them all on the lamp. a farmer i know has seen a fox walking around his sheep already but he will be taking them in when there lambing I can take a loan of one of my buddies dogs, he's gone to Australia but his patterdale still stays on his old mans farm. once you know what your at bud if not ge
  8. Ya got a cub last Friday, called it to 20 ft no bother. I want to get rid of a lot of foxes for a man who's starting lambing outside this year; that's why I got the dog. He's 1/4 pit 3/4 grey, serious lad but very unfit. you might need a lad with a terrier as well to help you as you wont get them all on the lamp. a farmer i know has seen a fox walking around his sheep already but he will be taking them in when there lambing I can take a loan of one of my buddies dogs, he's gone to Australia but his patterdale still stays on his old mans farm.
  9. Ya got a cub last Friday, called it to 20 ft no bother. I want to get rid of a lot of foxes for a man who's starting lambing outside this year; that's why I got the dog. He's 1/4 pit 3/4 grey, serious lad but very unfit.
  10. If you need to ask that question, take up another hobby Cheers, D. I thought that one of the aims of this forum was to help people that are new to the game? Thanks for that anyway ya f****n prick.
  11. Sorry I phrased that wrongly. What's the maximum distance that the fox has been called to that you'd slip the dog?
  12. Alright lads, How close do ye call foxes in before slipping the dog? atb
  13. We have champagne over here .......... It's over here too but this is a more functional gift for him. Sound, ya I brought him for a 4 mile walk this morning before college; he was bate after it. I do but he's well marked so I won't be posting any.
  14. I went over to my friend earlier and he wouldn't take any cash so I offered to do milk the cows on Saturday and Sunday for his brothers wedding
  15. Don't know what I was thinking earlier he's 35 kg Exactly what I'm thinking, he should be unbelievable when he gets back into it. I don't want to take him for free in case he dies or anything so I'll offer him a €100. Going over there now.
  16. He's not. I know but he's carrying a good bit of fat, I reckon 15 lb should come off him with a bit of excercise.
  17. Hi lads, Last Saturday I took my friends bull x out on the lamp. For the last 6 months he was only allowed run around for a couple of minutes everyday and for a year before that he wasn't let out of the shed at all. Don't know the full breeding of him but there's more than just bull in him. He's 28" tts and 45 kg and about 4 years old. He caught 2 rabbits out of 3 and retrieved them albeit very slowly, I hadn't expected him to come back never mind retrieve. He was bate out after those couple of runs so we decided to call it a night after the 2. Before his involuntary career break
  18. Why was my thread about the value of that dog deleted?
  19. Would anyone where pit bulls aren't illegal put up a pic of a first cross so please?
  20. I know there are but I can't find a picture of a first cross to show the old man.
  21. Hi, would anyone with the above cross mind posting up a picture please? Also what's the first cross like on rabbits? Thanks
  22. I'd like to say thanks to skycat, she sent me a pm regarding the site true mate, but i think maybe who might be on the sight, send the lad a pm wouldnt hurt would it.? you never know he might just be after a good colliex thats all, wants to talk to the right people with these dogs.? i not that botherd about the site, i am on enough sights as it is What other sites are you on?
  23. Is anyone on here a member on collie curs I'd like to join it but can't as it's a closed forum. If anyone would recommend me on it I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks
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