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Everything posted by 28xxgeo

  1. Make One yourself, from A tree... Look through the old posts on here 'how to make A catapult'.... Will tell You all You need to know.
  2. The CMW are now publishing catapult related articles, hopefully some Good publicity for the sport and hope The articles get a few more People involved in them Too... Better than the usual crap.
  3. Bpr cracked RossM in the arse with a 9.5mm steel ball..., ask him Nearly kicked fcuk out of him lol
  4. catapult Rabbit kill at night.... with the TTF: Pigeon shot from the car with a catapult:
  5. Here's a few videos from Facebook, a guy called... Catapult KRETIN#42 Small satsumas off a tree with catty: Parma violet catty hit:
  6. Meindle desert Fox... Size 8... Almost brand new... Mint condt... Can't upload pic... Amazing boots... Bargain at 65 posted
  7. 2 pigeons with the catty: http://youtu.be/1FYq0NvhISs
  8. Mk1 ferret finder with 2 collars. Full working. Serviced/calibrated by Mick dadd... 90pounds posted
  9. I understand you have put 2x led but does this come with normal white led aswell
  10. chuffed at my wee whippet today

  11. Dogs look good NL cant beat getting them out for good wee walk but couldnt agree more they roe are a pain as i fine well know and learnt the hard way atb geo
  12. Belter of a pup mate hope the wee lad enjoys him as you say responsibility do him good Atb geo
  13. Well after all this has happened im chuffed too say i managed to get my wee bro back on a straight wagon again in just under a week and hes decided hes going to get him self a new whippet pup but not straight away prob in a month or so once hes got the money together for purchasing and getting jags etc done, Hopefully we can get one this side of the border but if ive got to take him down south he will be getting told dont look no further than 2 1/2hrs drive away lol anyway anyone know of any litters due next month or at least not ready to go till next month let us know cheers geo and thanks to
  14. Thanks for your wishes joe certainly taken too young not even 15months old she was. Must say aaron i know that saying goes that your collars would out last the dog but didnt expect her to be getting burried with it on just after a week of me getting it for her of lee anyway collars nothing dogs everything dunno if my brothers getting another aaron think hes a bit down bout it if he does think its going to have to be another whippet but might not happen dunno yet ill give you a shout for that lead anyway at end of month hopefully youll get the webbing in thanks everyone geo
  15. Well just got a call there about 6 and thankfully nothing happening to my wee bro in terms of trespassing so police to thank as there not all heartless in the end very understanding
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