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Everything posted by Bazil2002

  1. When/ If I find someone to catch them, I will let you know how many there were - The 7 acres is made up of 3 fields, with lots of hedgerows, - which have been all but decimated by the rabbits, with the holes in them going all the way through in most cases. Some of the rabbits I have seen are the size of my Jack Russells – I thought 300 was a conservative estimate! - but then I am new to this.
  2. Hi I’m not sure if this is the right forum to post this in – so if its not please just ignore this! I am looking for someone to help us with Rabbit control, ideally though using ferrets, and nets etc. We have 7 acres of horses grazing land near Perranporth in Cornwall, and it is over run with rabbits!! We need someone to go in there and ferret (if that’s what you call it?) for a day or two, and get rid of the bulk of them, as shooting the odd one here and there is not helping. – Looking out the house window over the land I can easily count approx 70, - and that’s just the ones sitting visi
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