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About danspence2012

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    Born Hunter

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    very into my rough shooting. and working my blue rone cocker. very keen on my my ferrets in the plymouth area
  1. and http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190846934976?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  2. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190846775762?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  3. hi all thanks for your comments. I don't think I have a video of him hunting.. I will try and do one when I can get one of the kids to do the camera again lol. he hunts and marks well. he spent the last season on my rough shoot every Saturday and kept being invited back on a biggish pheasant shoot beating and picking up..very chuffed.. just hope my springer pup comes on the same.
  4. god that was good going with the fox.... must have been very satisfiing.. completely see what your saying about stopping once sent and recalling or even stopping on a recall. i only do it every so often to make sure i still have breaks i supose as i cant stand to see him run in on somthing and cant stop him ( much like your fox today) but completly agree with you and i do only do it evry so often, but i will continue with what you said above just to renforce it all abit. also i can see what your saying about cockers thinking about it all a bit more and can get confused if i did start messi
  5. thanks philiuk, will continue as you said, i have done and dose do sit to whistle while at heel , however i can see how doing more and expanding it over time will help. he dose get it but indeed is starting to take inchs your quite right.. recall is very good and stay, he is very very on hunting and retiving and as you seen on the film he dose stop but is starting to think oh well i will stop in a sec,so do see what you mean, on the film i sent him back, stopped him , recalled, sent him , stopped and sent him for the dummy. but still gives me a way forward and somthing to work on. i am still
  6. ATB?? hi philuk, i see what you mean i have noticed him doing that but not sure the way to keep on top of it. if i do to much of it im scard of slowing him down and him expetcing it (stop). its funny tho after and during doing 5 mins of stop whistle on or off the long lead he sharpens up. but then he will suddelnly wack in a few extra steps just to push it. any idea of some excerises i can do?? he knows the stop whistle but just want to stengthen it up. i was thinking using my 30mtr lead and put a dummy, send him and stop him half way if he dose not stop call him back and i get the dummy thi
  7. just gone 15 months. and work every saturday over the past season on my rough shoot. and was picking up on a big shoot near me over xmas he did manage to get a few days off over xmas there are other films of him on youtube too, think you click on the fim anove and should be able to see theothers by clicking on uploader i think
  8. hi all, sorry about the second video, it was when he was about 8 months old and attached itself to the topic. only ment to attach the first film. as i was trying to show a way of using a blank pistol.. thanks nik_b he is doing well trying to keep on top of him now and keep him going.. doing 3 ladies (3dummies)lol. when i get the chance will put it up here or else were once filmed. should i just sit him up and throw the dummys out or have him hunting and stop him with the pistol then throw them out???? cant make my mind up..
  9. can get them online and posted to you or get them at your local gun shop.. all very good. see a few of my films of my dog doing a bit of training with a blank pistol. can see more on my youtube profile.
  10. hi see a few of my films of my dog doing a bit of training. can see more on my youtube profile.
  11. how old is the pup? you start training from a puppy, boundrys ect, then go on from there. just little and often. keep any training sort and swwet 5 mins or so. and rember exercise is about 30 mins. till nearer to 12months old. i would not be expecting to have the pup steady to sit stay at a cupple months old, but you can get the pup interested in dummys with scent on, play with the pup around you feet, and to teach it to stay around or close to you when pup runs off shout AAAAHHHHHH and give the pup a little shake (dont beat it) and repeat and repeat, slowly the dog gets the idea aa
  12. use long lead, my cocker use to run past but i then watch as he runs back and move infront of him even if i had to sprint and have him crash into me, and still recall as you do it.. repeat and repeat
  13. Hi, I had a similar problem with a pup.. I used a 20 mtre lead. Cast the dog off and give it a few minuites then recall…. If the dog ignores you then give it a little tug. Keep recalling as you do it, Once the dog is back make a fuss “good dog” ect, im not fan of treats just praise for me and works. You will find the dog suddenly gets very sharp on the recall whistle over time.. It is all about repeating just keep repeating it and repeating it. I will not happen or be steady to recall after 6 trys.. keep doing it 5 mins aday for a few weeks. Then carry on with your walk ect.
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