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About Gilliers

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    northern europe
  • Interests
    Working terriers, running hounds.

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  1. I am about to enter the new forest (brockenhurst) in late august to NFPB & CS Breed Show. I thought it would be nice to be able to observe local field sports in free time.. I am interested mainly terrier groundwork or lurching. Are there any suggestion for local contacts?? Thank you.
  2. I have had jagds before but now i work with patterdale and theres not much differences. Except the size.
  3. Black grouse with SAKO L579 ca.308. Distance 130yards, clean, chilly air with no wind. Traditional way of hunt, walking and looking out places where the male black grouse are taking battles together.. This was one of 11 black grouse group in the marsh.
  4. Yes she did and now she has her own terrier ready for next season.
  5. I meant only jagdterrier strains for earthwork. And i have pat now
  6. I had two jagdterriers, male and female. Both for earth work. 13inches Both, male maybe little Bigger. Bitch was good, stayed on game biting hard, didnt run out and Lots of preydrive. Male wasnt very good, kill foxes but runs often out. Have seen many Jagds and best of them are really good but you have to know right strains. Best are from old DDR area...
  7. I had two jagdterriers, male and female. Both for earth work. 13inches Both, male maybe little Bigger. Bitch was good, stayed on game biting hard, didnt run out and Lots of preydrive. Male wasnt very good, kill foxes but runs often out. Have seen many Jagds and best of them are really good but you have to know right strains. Best are from old DDR area...
  8. Yes, no long tracking, and they do not climb.
  9. Ok, misunderstanding Usually my dogs finds them after 400-1000 meter tracking. How long time it takes depends terrain.. I m not sure about the sport but fun it is. !!
  10. R.A.W, do you mean that we would have money for hunting those critters? We dont. We hunt them for game management reasons.. Or well.. last season fur trade auction good raccoondog pelt was worth of 60 euros..
  11. It supposed to be foxhunt yesterday, but windy and cold weather made foxes fearfull and my hound didnt find any foxes, still found den with strong smell revealing there something in. Well we didnt have terrier available that day,so what you can do but start digging. After two hours and 6 holes we got two raccoondogs out of den.
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