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About Fergul

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  1. I hunt a gos through the season, but one of my permissions wants his rabbits thinned down now. If I don't do it someone else will.
  2. Went and bought a Harris slm today, together with some studs. Fitted it and had a few shots. Seems like a quality piece of kit, as does the s410. Went out late evening and had 1shot, 1 rabbit, and although I don't really like killing, it's nice to put a pellet where you want it! Andy
  3. Hi, A couple of days ago I bought an air arms s410, sound moderator and scope. Really pleased with it so far but have now decided to spend even more on a bipod. Would a Harris slm 9-13 with notched legs be a good choice( for rabbits mainly)? And do I need to buy separate swivel studs to attach it? Thanks for looking, Andy
  4. Cheers for the welcome lads Andy
  5. I have just joined so it's polite to say hello! I fly (struggle to fly) a male goshawk that is now in seclusion for the moult, and run a 5 yr old gwp that is used with the hawk, a bit of rough shooting and beating. A couple of ferrets help out on occasions as well. Andy
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