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Everything posted by Budaholic

  1. Posted Yesterday, 01:32 PM Surprised it took that long ....... If I didn't already have my 97k, I would have snapped it up myself Someone has themselves a cracking rifle, well done
  2. I'll take it off your hands if your thinking of throwing it in a skip. I can offer you an old Ker-Plunk game, 10x 8ft lengths of 2"x2" and a bag of Tangfastic with all the cherrys missing? Oh and will you deliver to the South-East? What do you say?
  3. Totally agree........ Everyone gets so hung up on power when the most important thing when your hunting live quarry is accuracy, accuracy, accuracy. Whether your guns delivering a muzzle energy of 9 ft/lb or 11.5 ft/lb, if you can't hit your target accurately, you shouldn't be hunting, period!!
  4. I have the Hawke LRF600 and it's an awesome bit of kit for just £115, that's what I paid anyhow, and as optelic2 says, 6x mag makes it a very handy monocular too.
  5. oooh, is that a walnut stocked HW97k? What do you prefer out of the HW97k and the TX200? My bro shoots a 200 but I much prefer my german 97k personally Awesome collection, I think 3x HW100's is a little greedy though, you should sell one to me and get a S510?? Bud
  6. Awesome bit of kit, almost what I'm looking for, but not quite! If it weren't a carbine, was a .22 and you weren't 400 miles away, I'd have phoned you by now. Looks like someone is gonna end up with a sweet setup, best of luck with the sale.
  7. I'm still not convinced it was it's bollock.......... I thought it might have been a hernia, next time I'll open it up to see before I commit it to the foxes buffet.
  8. If it's a bollock then I'll accept the ribbing for my naivity, and yes I feel a proper wally but surely it's knackers should be behind it's dick not in front! Unless it's suffered an injury of a sexual nature
  9. enjoying some good bunny sport lately, despite the questionable weather :)

  10. Been enjoying some thick and fast bunny sport lately, despite the questionable weather :)

  11. I've shot some questionable rabbits lately, would like opinions on whether they are suitable for the pot or not? Have a lujmp or tumour of some sort on their tummies! Originally posted in Rimmy, Centre and Shotgun by mistake! Sorry http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/252168-healthy-rabbits-or-not/
  12. Hi guys, wanted your opinion on a couple of questionable rabbits I've shot recently. Most of the bunnies on my permission are very healthy, but I've taken a few recently with what appears to be a tumour of some sort on their abdomen. What you you do with these? I've been leaving them in the bushes for the predators....... Bud
  13. I have a HW97k in .22 flavour and it is without question the best spring powered rifle I have ever shot. You won't be disappointed, especially for 150 beer tokens.
  14. After stripping my .22 HW97k for a clean, polish and grease I was disgusted by the hideously cut Weihrauch spring. Also she was a bit down on power! Bought a V-Mach kit last year and it's probably the best £75 I've ever spent. My 97k was totally transformed. The cocking cycle is much, much smoother, recoil is a slight nudge and she's much quieter too. From a benchrest my rifle will group easily within ½" @ 40yds and consistency is incredible. A 50 shot string with AA Fields only produced a spread of 8fps straight from the tin! A 10 shot string with weighed and measured pellets - 3fps sp
  15. Had another couple of hours out today just before dark, bagged another couple of small ones, perfectly places head shots. Although the 2nd rabbit kept doing backflips for what seemed like about 15 - 20 seconds, then it eventually lay down dead The foxes are gonna prove to be a real pain on this shoot. Was only out 2 hours today and spotted 3 of the beggars chasing my rabbits!! Bud
  16. Hi guys, well 1st trip out on my 1st perm was a success I'd say. Was only out for 3hrs from 7 - 10pm and stalked and bagged 4 of the critters. All clean headshots It was made difficult by a couple of other hunters out though, a couple of foxes were patrolling the perimeter and ruining a lot of my opportunities. Couple of littluns I know but LO strongly expressed he wanted no discrimination with regards to age or size, "I want rid of all the little buggers" I think he said. Unfortunately one had 1st signs of mixi, but brought home 1 good eater, that's my lunch sorted today. I thi
  17. Thanks for all your replies guys.... Not sure why clips won't play, they work for me. Maybe have to Right Click and Save as?
  18. Excited about 1st trip out on my 1st permission

    1. StevoSmith


      Good luck mate...always nice to have first trip out on new perm...more so when its your first one

    2. xHOUNDx


      have a good un pal, see the videos looks like plenty of bunnys about

  19. Links to a couple of clips I took Thursday evening..... sorry for poor quality, I only had my digital camera with me. Clip1 Clip2 looks promising
  20. As said in my intro post, I'm just getting back into shooting after a long time out. Finally got round to creating my own personal permission forms and decided to start hunting down those elusive permissions. Picked my daughter up from a party at a small local 9 hole golf course late at night and couldn't believe the number of rabbits there was! Next day, visited with my brother (also into air-rifle hunting) with my permission form and insurance details in hand and couldn't believe my luck when the owner said yes. Awesome, 1st opportunity was a positive response. Well made up It'
  21. Just came across this forum and thought it looked interesting, so here I am signed up and saying Hi Just getting back into shooting after a long time out of the sport, making a family etc, etc. Have a V-Mach tuned Hw97k in .22 that is superbly smooth and accurate. Will probably get myself a PCP at some point but I do love shooting a good quality springer. I also have a couple of 12g shotguns that I inherited from my father, sadly after his passing last year. A Bettinsolli O/U and a Franchi Semi-Auto. Would like to get myself a .22LR rimfire too eventually, but gotta find the right p
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