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Everything posted by snap306

  1. I know. I told him id give him loads for free.
  2. Ive said about taking the head off. He normally buys rabbits elsewhere for £5 ea and feeds them whole.
  3. Ive been asked by a friend if I could shoot rabbits for him. He wants me to keep the rabbits for him to feed his pet snake. My question is if I use Elley Hollowpoints 40gr subs, will these pass straight thought the rabbits head without any fragments of lead remaining inside? Many thanks
  4. Wondering if anyone can help. Me and the Mrs are gonna head over to one of the above game fairs. We are from N. Ireland. I was at the Midland game fair last year and shot in the European FT. My question is, which one would be best to visit and also was wondering if I could bring a air rifle over and shoot a hft course somewhere? Thanks in advance.
  5. Anyone recommend anyone who can service my S510. It's regulated but it's giving a 37fps spread over a 10 shot string. Any advice??
  6. Welcome to the site [bANNED TEXT]. If your looking members close to ya, there is a forum for Northern Ireland. www.shootni.createaforum.com Join up lad
  7. I have a brand new Richter 3.9x50 (no box) ill be selling shortly.
  8. I recently put up an ad looking a scope for my cz452 on Gumtree and this scumbag just emailed me offering a scope for £70. He sent me his bank details to transfer the money to him. He claims he is from Scotland. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. Just want to thank every1 who had a go at our HFT shooting range. Lots of great shots young and old. Hope every1 enjoyed themselves. We got a bit held up on day 2 because 2 of our club guns couldnt take the abuse so ended up in the boot of the car.
  10. Hope to see you boys up at Moira. Have a shot with some of our PCP's. Think were brings some AA rifles.
  11. No probs Ill call over and meet the SACS boys.
  12. Should be a good crowd this year. Co Down HFT are holding a stall at Moira this year. We are setting up a small shooting course for young and old to try out. Hope to see you all there!! Anyone into their air rifle shooting I would strongly reccomend giving it a go. Snap
  13. Hows it going. What part of norn iron you from?? Im from co. Down
  14. Hey, how is everyone going. Just thought id pop in to say hello and hope to share and hear stories about the sport we love. Snap
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