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18 Good

About jimjim

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. great show lads, there was people from far and near, congratulations to all winners. some very nice dogs there to day.
  2. We will see you on Sunday, the hounds will be on display as usual, coole swan has not contacted us yet, we should hear from him soon. you were right coole swan rang me today looking for a lift with me he has been very busy with the silage, has it all saved and is looking forward to to morrow
  3. hope to see you and cathrine on sunday , will you have the usual display of the famous minerock harriers? will spend most of my time between the hound ring and the terrier ring on sunday, cant wait! Has coole swan been in contact ? he is usually looking for a lift down.
  4. looking forward to this show hope the weather is dry
  5. looking forward to this show. always a great day out.
  6. great day had by all. big ben arrived home with matt, safe and sound and is missing barry already
  7. wish you all the best with your show, hope to make the trip from the sunny south east, always a good day out.
  8. i have no idea i am sure source will put up details at a later stage, this is a good family day out as well as dog show there are other attractions such as wheel o'fortune bottle stall, tea tent to name but a few,the site for the show is very close to the jfk homestead and kennedy park and of course the famine ship in new ross where this weekend the american kennedys are over for the 50th anniversity of when john f himself visited, so there is plenty to see and do for all the family while you are enjoying the show. JIMJIM would you be able to give me and the long lad a lift ? no p
  9. some good pictures from last years show on facebook
  10. i have no idea i am sure source will put up details at a later stage, this is a good family day out as well as dog show there are other attractions such as wheel o'fortune bottle stall, tea tent to name but a few,the site for the show is very close to the jfk homestead and kennedy park and of course the famine ship in new ross where this weekend the american kennedys are over for the 50th anniversity of when john f himself visited, so there is plenty to see and do for all the family while you are enjoying the show.
  11. Firstly the best of luck with the show.JimJim tell are you and Source one if a kind maybe the same person or maybe your his wife/lover the reason I ask is any time Source puts up a post you seem to have more replays than Source dose there is nothing like advertising but between your self and Sourse you would win medals for keeping a tread alive. excelent deduction my dear sherlock but not quite correct , i do know source, only because we are from the same county and are quaranteed to attend the local shows and he gave me my first dog. and if you have ever been to cassick you will have to
  12. looking forward to this one only an hour from home. always a great day out for all the family, love the donkey derby every year very well done and always good for a laugh.
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