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About ferret1988

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 01/11/1988

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  • Interests
    Rabbiting and my allotment

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  1. Who lives near Rotherham and out ferreting in season many members about?
  2. Any one ever done anything on this moor or surrounding area?
  3. no it was introduced by paul armand delille to rid his private estate of rabbits in france 1952 was 1st observed in bough beech kent in 1953 and was 1st noticed in lab rabbits in Uruguay in the late 1800's. it was introduced by the government to control rabbit populations here in the uk and also in Australia and new Zealand
  4. seems to be a trend this year bad cases of myxi wiping out complete populations, but maybe we just saw more with the gd breeding season and really theres same about as would have been with a harsh winter, I would say just natures way but myxi is man made
  5. I agree with rob it does what it says on the box and nothing more simple to use why over complicate things
  6. I've heard of this before on more then one occasion and does seem to be when the older ones on the way out, ive had the same this week a couple of the gills attacking the old gill for no reason I I've removed her but cant see her lasting long as all her teeth have now dropped out (through old age) she still eating but she seems to be getting less and less interested in getting up and struggles to her feet it may be her time unfortunately
  7. They get all the scraps, heads, road kill etc but don't see much road kill about even when out. Only get out once every 3-4 week get on average 6-10 a time. Feed em myxi ones with heads off. They get all hearts etc when gutted as well. Never had a year as baron for game as this in fact a few year bk I was selling the game to lads that were short. Got 6 on at the min going through about 5-7 pigeons a week and yes there leaving nothing but feathers don't mess about taking out after 5 mins lol use to get a good supply of chickens at one time but people getting more for em at auction now then what
  8. Here I am to clarify jok lol, Right I have certain number of customers that buy off me each time I go out to keep them happy I sometimes leave myself short of fresh meat for the ferrets. don't mind doing this as these have been customers for a while and pay what I think is fair price. To buy pigeons and rabbits in feather and fur is a lot less then what I sell fresh oven ready ones for so am not losing out, for the ferrets not bothered if there frozen or fresh, chickens or pheasants as long as its meat lol its all better then the dry stuff in the winter. so if anyone in Yorkshire
  9. Am looking at buying in some pigeons/rabbits for ferret meat as running very low and sell all my fresh rabbits I get cheers
  10. Anyone no of any game dealers in or around south Yorkshire?
  11. yer that's the chap and ok thank you
  12. Does the chap on Ebay still sell the new collars does anyone no think they were £38 including postage had a look but cant see any on there? cheers
  13. Went up north on Saturday on a friends permission not really been ferreted properly for 2 years and numbers have built gradually so was hoping for a good day out. 18 in total and 3 got away, saw plenty of black rabbits which is a 1st, good day all round
  14. Rotherham mate willing to travel to meet i.e Barnsley Doncaster Rotherham Sheffield a lived all these places so know most fairly well are lass drives and she even suggested a day out with the ferrets door knocking but cant c her going all time and when I suggested a time she looked at me in disgust lol
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