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About jam1e

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Thanks for the info folks, and i'd appreciate it if you folks could drop me a pm if you see any suitable pups, in case i've missed the advert. And Saltmoon your boys a beauty! I love the brindle type markings. Cheers Jamie
  2. You're spot on 'Black Neck'. I'm a middle aged bloke with a family who has had lots of rescue dogs in the past. I've even had a Beagle X Whippet. Wow what an amazing dog! But the main story is as follows, we attended a charity event for 'Rescue dogs'. The site being Evesham Greyhound and Lurcher Rescue, (http://www.lurcher.org.uk/). I've had numerous dogs from her (Pip) over the years. But the 2 who made the most impression on me, were the Beagle x Whippet, and the Beddy x Whippet. But the Beddy was just so fearless! And loved getting stuck into anything when out in the fields with me. I real
  3. Oh i see. Well don't i feel a 'teet' no. Pun intended....
  4. That my be my ignorance.... His site states the dog breed and gives a number in brackets next to it, but no £ sign? Always 500 this 500 that. I presumed that was the cost...
  5. Thanks for the replies folks. I'm not into expensive dogs for the sake of it. It's more a case of not wanting to buy a beddy/Whippet at a high price, just to find out it's a huge dog, and not what i was after. Although at that stage me and my family would love it too much to return it... Hence getting it right the first time.. And 'Puppy Farming C****' are not what i'm after, or the type of person i'd want to hand over my hard earned cash for.....
  6. Thanks for the advice folks. I think i over stated the size. I'd be happy with the 'right bitch' to be anywhere from 18" to "24". I've been advised to go for a 'David Hancock' dog due to reputation. I've no doubt his dogs are first class. But at £500 to £600 they should be first class.... Should i be speaking to David Hancock, or are there other breeders, with a less known name, but breed just as good bitches/dogs?? Advice appreciated.. Cheers Jamie
  7. Hi folks, I'm from the Stratford on Avon area, and looking for a straight Bedlington Whippet X. As in not bedlington whippet x with a Whippet. If that makes sense.... Must be a bitch pup. Mostly for a pet living inside the house. But if she takes to it, with some training, i'd like to take her shooting with me. Although that's not the main purpose. A family pet to join our young Spaniel mix, since we've lost both a 'Beddy Whippet' and a 'Whippet cross' both from Cancer, albeit, they were not young dogs. But very much missed by my whole family... I must point out that were not aft
  8. +1 on the X-Trail. Good combination of both and late 30's mpg is reasonable fuel economy.... As for ground clearance, it's not as high as a dedicated 4x4, but plenty higher than an average car. Pretty good off road to, going on Youtube videos...
  9. jam1e


    +1... An accident waiting to happen! Especially as dogs like this are in the public eye so much now!
  10. I agree with AndyF about the Lee Powder Measure. Very accurate for the cost. I also measure just short of the required load and trickle the last few grains in. I did a crude type of trial a while back, weighing 5 separate loads direct from the measure. I was shocked at how close and consistent they were! Saying that I would like a Lyman or RCBS measure, but that's just a "want", as I certainly don't "need" one as the Lee is very good! atb Jamie
  11. It's a fair point about the RCBS chamfer/deburring tool being aggressive, you have to be quite gentle with it.... As I found out all too quick! On that point, just to let you know I posted the Lee tool bits and the DVD's this morning, so they should be with you in a few days. As for your question about brass cases, I presume it has to do with internal case capacity. The outside dimensions may be the same (more or less) for 2 different makes of brass. But if the thickness of the brass is more on one brand compared to the other, then the internal dimensions will be different with regard to vo
  12. I never found any difference in neck sizing to full length sizing.... And if you use a decent chamfer/de-burring tool like an RCBS, there is no need to buy a flaring die. (imo) But as per "Charlie caller" I did find crimping improved the groups a little, if my memory serves me right... I found Remington to be the best brass as some cases, (Winchester being one) won't allow you to use the max powder load without compression. I'm not keen on compressing loads. Remington have a higher internal capacity. No idea why, but it definitely does. I compared Rem against Win. And Remington won hands dow
  13. Just because the RCBS is easier to hold when using it. I've used cases that were a very small amount under minimum size, and have found them fine. They also get a bit longer each time they were fired, so soon went back into minimum's stated in my Lee 2nd Edition book. But having said that, it doesn't make it, or me right for doing it.... However, if it's 0.2mm short, I would say that is such a small amount that I doubt it matters..... But then I am a newbie....
  14. Same here. I was told that once it's on as an FAC, there's no turning back....
  15. I got your address details. I'll post the items out to you when the Royal Mail has fired up again after their Christmas break. I use an RCBS debering/chamfer tool, and a primer pocket "Uniformer". Dave1372 is right about "Ammosmith" on Youtube. He has produced loads of videos and "How to's". I'd subscribe to his channel and start watching them.
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