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Everything posted by P5HEN

  1. scooby up for grabs, send us pm, is the penny taylor book available ??
  2. recieved scooby of budharley today, thanks alot bud, anyone want it after ive done, give us a shout
  3. i wouldnt worry about it mate, unless its a retriever/gun dog, then id be worried lol, get in yourself n see if it follows
  4. cheapest ive found £1.55, 10kg per tablet http://www.pet-supermarket.co.uk/Products/T0146/drontal-plus-flavour-bone-shaped-dog-worming-tablet
  5. why do you need a prescription to buy it online? anyone know any place to buy without?, had a look but most comng from bulgaria and poland! be snide more than likely, managed get some on ebay £25 for 3x pipettes 10-25kg dogs, from someone who had surplus, still wouldnt mind a bit cheaper like, cheers
  6. lol i remember vialin it looked like something you'd give to rabbits n guinea pigs lol
  7. sent darcy's lurcherwork to tiny 7
  8. i remember getinig this from the vid shop when me dad took us for a film, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBxfOvx7QmU
  9. try this got spanish subtitles though
  10. hard days night if it the one removed link, film deleted by you tube then directed to a paying site
  11. dont worry bout the russian title(thats if it is russian) it english
  12. google chromecast is the new way to stream to your T.V. from portable devices, no wires, prices range from £17 to £30 on ebay
  13. recieved book joe, thanks pal, ive now read it and will be sending to tiny 7 when got his address cheers lads great idea this and "hunters all" by plummer still available
  14. run it empty and charge until full
  15. what do they cover ? everything? in fact back in 5 while do some googling http://www.huvepharma.com/products/view/127 looks like they do everything wish i knew latin, ill have some pm sent
  16. pm'd you joe, and if anyone want s to borrow "Hunters All" by plummer send us p.m.
  17. solar, wind, water, simple ......
  18. how old was he when he lost his tail? before he got his name as a good worker or after?
  19. ill just wait until it gets posted on the net
  20. theres ya idea there fella, make dog collars out of them loom bands i want 25% yeh! :D
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