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Everything posted by Luk

  1. Hi Iv got for sale a Daystate Harrier mk1 .22 cal. I bought it couple of months ago because i thought that someone gonna sort some land to shoot bunnies but it never happened therefore im selling it. The rifle shoots about 11.7 ft/lbs with acupell and its deadly accurate. CLICK HERE FOR PICTURES Serial number : HR2150 It comes with Hawke Map Pro 3-9x50 AO Map scope 6 ltr 200 bar Divers bottle with everything to refill the rifle ( bottle has got stamp with 2009 but no stickers, been told by previous owner that bottle is tested till 2014 and just before he sold it to me he ref
  2. Hi Iv got for sale a Daystate Harrier mk1 .22 cal. I bought it couple of months ago because i thought that someone gonna sort some land to shoot bunnies but it never happened therefore im selling it. The rifle shoots about 11.7 ft/lbs with acupell and its deadly accurate. CLICK HERE FOR PICTURES Serial number : HR2150 It comes with Hawke Map Pro 3-9x50 AO Map scope 6 ltr 200 bar Divers bottle with everything to refill the rifle ( bottle has got stamp with 2009 but no stickers, been told by previous owner that bottle is tested till 2014 and just before he sold it to me he ref
  3. Hi Iv got for sale a Daystate Harrier mk1 .22 cal. I bought it couple of months ago because i thought that someone gonna sort some land to shoot bunnies but it never happened therefore im selling it. The rifle shoots about 11.7 ft/lbs with acupell and its deadly accurate. CLICK HERE FOR PICTURES Serial number : HR2150 It comes with Hawke Map Pro 3-9x50 AO Map scope 6 ltr 200 bar Divers bottle with everything to refill the rifle ( bottle has got stamp with 2009 but no stickers, been told by previous owner that bottle is tested till 2014 and just before he sold it to me he ref
  4. :/ iv just sold my tx200hc in .22 and want one in .177. How much u want cash for it ?
  5. Daystate Harrier mk1 .22 Chronographed at 11.6 ft/lbs with accupell. Comes with scope, divers bottle, bag. Looking for £450 for lot. Doncaste area. Click here for pictures. thanks
  6. Same as here --->> CLICK HERE <<--- looking for 120 posted. Thanks Luk
  7. is it .177 if yes i may'd be interested if you are close enough to where i live
  8. Hi. I have never try'ed this one on the field. Iv exchanged this for my air rifle. Its working spot on but all i can tell about range is in descritpion on ebay witch is : VISUAL MAGNIFICATION: 3 X VIEWING RANGE: 1M - 250+M INFRARED ILLUMINATOR RANGE: 100M
  9. Same as here --->> CLICK HERE <<--- looking for 130 and free postage. More details via pm. Thanks Luk
  10. Tell me more about chrono please. Is it combro cb-625 mk4 ? If yes ill take it please
  11. Weihrauch hw 77 or hw85k any good for you ?
  12. Same as here --->> CLICK HERE <<--- looking for reasonable offers . Thanks Luk
  13. For SALE !! Weihrauch HW35k .22 model number : 1683149 ( 2006 year ) Mint condition. Very accurate. Comes with bag and 4x40 Hawke Sport HD scope. Price : 180 ono Doncaster - South Yorkshire Can deliver within 30 miles for fuel costs. Pictures : CLICK HERE Thanks Lukas
  14. Hi im from Doncaster aswell fancy a swap vs my hw99s + some cash ?
  15. Maybe weihrauch hw99s ? With new oxspring inside ? You find it here
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