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Everything posted by Magwitch

  1. click on this! its a old picture of mine when i was ferreting an orchard in deepest Kent. Even as my old email address.............. http://www.google.co...,r:40,s:0,i:200
  2. Very nice gesture mate...........................................
  3. someone sensor needs cleaning..........
  4. Check his teeth, if they are nice and clean he's probably not that old, if they are brown and broken he's getting on a bit........
  5. nice looking animal, good haul of rabbits....................................
  6. Thinking of calling him Nelson.........................................what do yar think?
  7. I was disappointed when he only come back with one in his mouth..............................
  8. No he's 3/4 Whippet 1/4 Beddy...................Good lines on both sides.
  9. Out with the dogs this morning on a small piece of ground that doesn't really hold a lot of rabbits, there's a couple of hedgerows around a field of wheat basically with a scattering of small buries. I had Beryl the feral polecat with me for her first run out of the season, she never disappoints, straight to work a no nonsense type of ferret. Very enjoyable morning both dogs catching well and not missing much.
  10. Anyone having problems posting pictures? like this. seems to be OK now...........
  11. I thought the idea of the show (but could be wrong) is that you catch the rabbit and then Ade takes it away and cooks it............................................
  12. I found a polecat years ago which had been living rough for a while, it was covered in ticks and that orange stuff. After I picked all the ticks I gave it a spray with nouvan and that sorted it..................... Mites.
  13. I bred a litter from a polecat I found a few seasons ago called Beryl the feral, she works relentless..........................should be starting the youngsters in a few weeks time.
  14. Here's my new ferret I brought off JamieM, the one in the middle, he said I could have him cheap (£35) because he was bred out of his best Hob called cyclops........................................
  15. he use to get off the bus with a smelly sack............................
  16. I have a old Emu in the freezer (road kill) if thats any good to you?.................................
  17. Both gone.............................................
  18. This years kits, nothing fancy just bred from good working animals......................PM me for details North Kent..
  19. You been giving them too much red meat, I feed mine on carrots. Never had that problem.........................
  20. simon whitehead..................ferreting an essential guide.
  21. Got mine for £55 off PW.....................comes apart in seconds. well pleased with it.
  22. When I first got my 17hmr I zeroed it at 30 yards and it was spot on at most ranges but recently I changed scope and zeroed for 50 yards, now anything near I tend to cut its throat but anything say 60-130 its spot on. What do you fella's zero yours for?.....................
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