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Everything posted by jsb

  1. i just been offered a .22 hatsan model 60 with a 6-2 x 40 scope, it comes with a tin of pellets and a padded case also one hundred paper targets for £180 is this a good price and any reviews on the gun?
  2. jsb

    collecting a hawk

    when collecting a new harris hawk what equipment do you take, e.g anklets, glove etc.
  3. jsb

    pics of your birds

    myself nad my son uses this sight on the same account grovesy
  4. welcome, were abouts in south wales you from?
  5. ive never done any trapping or no anyone who has/does, so were would i start and what equipment would i need, all help appreciated.
  6. do you lads keep your ferrets outside in winter, baring in mind my hutch has a hutch hugger on it.
  7. jsb

    pics of your birds

    haha cheers lads
  8. jsb

    pics of your birds

    i can only use one website to find the pics mate google images uses lots of websites
  9. im doing an art project in school and chose the topic BOP so any pics of your birds would be appreciated.
  10. jsb

    HH breeder

    ive had BOP before lads so i will pass my knowledge on to him
  11. jsb

    HH breeder

    looking to get a young harris this christmas for my boy if anyone one knows someone who can help let me no please.
  12. jsb

    help please

    cheers mate
  13. jsb

    help please

    if i bought a 2 year old harris hawk would it free fly too its new owner if has been previously trained by its previous owner
  14. jsb

    help please

    if i bought a 2 year old hh and its already been trained to the glove would it fly to its new owner?
  15. post your pics of your birds for us all too have a look then
  16. for a beginner what sex do you reckon i should get? my mentor says i should get a male, what do you guys think
  17. i thought that just wanted too make sure thanks mate
  18. got told earlier on today that a female harris will only work with a albino ferret and wont work with polecat coloured ferrets, anybody agree with this?
  19. jsb

    help needed

    thanks mate best bit of advice ive seen in ages
  20. jsb

    help needed

    thanks mate just found out that a mate of mines father has a harris hawk
  21. jsb

    help needed

    hiya lads. soon to get a female harris hawk just wondering what the feeding schedule should be and what age can they be bought and what should there diet contain. grateful for any advice!
  22. i have done the same then i learnt from it no need to give the kid a hammering.
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