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About jsb

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Thanks all! Great feedback
  2. Hi everyone. Looking for a recommendation for a small pocket knife or multi tool. Also recommendations for a fixed blade
  3. Hi guys, anybody local to the abergavenny area that I could tag along with to gain a bit more experience and an insight, thanks in advance
  4. Hi guys, anybody loval to the abergavenny area that I could tag along with to gain a bit more experience and an insight, thanks in advance
  5. jsb

    Looking for a mentor

    Thanks David, great advice, been in contact with the Welsh hawking club and invited to a meeting in January, thanks again!
  6. Hello, looking for a mentor in south Wales (abergavenny) area, would be very grateful if anyone can help me out
  7. jsb

    Day Out.

    Hello, just wondering if there's anyone local to Abergavenny that I could tag along with now and then.
  8. jsb

    First Dog

    Thanks! I know that there's quite a lot of cover, fairly thorny. A few small rivers going through drives. Was thinking a springer
  9. Hi guys! I'm looking at doing a bit of beating this season, have never been beating before but have done a bit of rough shooting, can anyone tell me the best way to go round doing a bit of beating.
  10. Hello! I'm looking at starting to get into beating this season. May be picking up also. It'll be my first time. I'm posting to see what dogs people recommend for beating/picking up. I have trained border collies to work sheep in the past.
  11. Thanks lads! Picking it up friday
  12. I'm looking at buying one of these from my local gun shop on Friday, can anyone recommend these guns? I'm looking to do a bit of lampong with it, can anyone recommend a rifle mounted lamp to go with it?
  13. I like a dog That can mark up and chase the odd bolter. I also like a bit of a shaggy coat on a dog for the rougher areas
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