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Everything posted by Jumpin'Jack

  1. Can't beat hand stripping the coat. Them furminators didn't work on my dog and I cut him with a stripping knife. Hand stripping takes a bit longer and makes your hands/fingers ache but I think the results are better. The pictures were taken at different times but you get the idea.. Before - After -
  2. Didn't know they did it every week, bit too far for me to come often but will stick to once a month
  3. Dog's not been allowed a run in 2 weeks coz of his stitches in his side. Took him for a walk on lead the other day and we saw 6 rabbits so he was going nuts! Finally let him have a run today as the stitches were removed . Just needs to get fittened up now Cheers for looking
  4. This is usually on every month at Rotherham. http://www.lurcherlink.org/llink/forum/viewtopic.php?t=57335 It's racing at Highgate Greyhound Stadium
  5. Was letting him and the other dogs have a run round the fields and one of them bit him
  6. 3/4 Saluki 1/8 Whip 1/8 Gh - 19 months Saluki Collie Grey - 18 months Bull Collie Grey - 6 months
  7. Here's the three of them out for a walk tonight
  8. the mutt has drive energy seeping out in what has become a habit formed tension release, get him out using other avenues of drive, hunting , lamping ,mooching , ball play , tug play something that results in a positive interaction involving you and a huge use of energy show and encourage him to express drive in other forms, get him expressing it orally its most natural and feels better for the mutt, Going out lamping tomorrow night on my new permission to see how he does
  9. Cheers mate - His first season so can't wait Quite weird being a lass who loves going out rabbiting and ferreting lol
  10. Pic 1 - 3/4 Saluki x 1/8th Whippet x 1/8th Grey - Cruise Lines Pic 2 - Saluki Collie Grey Pic 3 - Bull Collie Grey
  11. Thought I'd share my a picture of my dogs Cheers Rebecca
  12. Cheers bud it's a him I know he looks Girly Atb Everyone thinks my Jack is a girl too lol
  13. Very nice! Love your dogs - very smart!
  14. Trenchfoot - He gets 2 meals a day and 2 walks a day. One on lead and one off lead with my Saluki x and Bull x Pup Sowhat - He has a bed and a crate Longtail - He was in there a good few months
  15. Cheers Sky.Am a member of LL and have already booked to see Jim on the 11th
  16. I use a 1/2 rabbit skin dummy with a throwing toggle At first my dog wasn't interested in bringing it back. I found that if I crouched down and dragged it along the floor by the toggle it got him excited as he started chasing it. I would then throw the dummy to the other end of the garden and simply say "fetch". Each time he brought it back to my hand, I would praise him like mad and reward him with a treat - didn't take long for him to twig on
  17. I had the same camera and sold it after a few months. Wasn't my sort of camera. Got a Canon 550D now - quality
  18. Hi, I got a lurcher from a rescue (although intend on working him with my non rescue lurcher - he has been worked before and was found straying). He keeps scratching the floors. He has scratched and ripped a hole in the kitchen lino and has today scratched the living room carpet and put a hole in it. Does anyone know why he would be doing this and how to stop it? Thanks Rebecca
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