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Everything posted by Jumpin'Jack

  1. I am biased coz he's the first lurcher I've had. He has a great temperament, can be a bit nervous sometimes but seems to be a lot better since he has got older. This will be his first season so I can't comment on him working but he loves ferretting. Bearinator is taking us lamping at the weekend so hopefully he might get one or two runs His is a one person dog, he will do what other people say but he's not impressed. I really can't wait to see how he progresses this season with bearinators help ;) He's soft mouthed and doesn't kill the rabbits
  2. 27" I think mate, he is a nice big dog he's 28" the bitch was 23" and the dog was 26"
  3. I'm not a yob pal (Bearinator can vouch for that). It's nto my problem what my step brother chooses to wear, he's not a yob either. No disrespect to you or your family lad just bein silly atb good luck for the season . Jim I'm a lass :laugh: His trainers and trousers do look stupid though Cheers, hope you have a good season
  4. I'm not a yob pal (Bearinator can vouch for that). It's nto my problem what my step brother chooses to wear, he's not a yob either.
  5. Yep. When my dog was about 5 months he stood on some nettles and went mental. I had to take him to the vets as he was so bad. He was jumping around, screeching in pain and biting his feet. Cost me £45 as he needed an antihystamine injection and another one to calm him down. He's never been that bad since
  6. I think it's still classed as poaching but not 100% sure
  7. Our new bitch pup does that to the male dogs and she's not in season
  8. So was he ok with you borrowing them.. ..good pic's by the way.. :laugh: I was the one taking the pics
  9. JJ is a lass When you are over I'll see if she fancies bringing him up as he is even better looking in the flesh mate Sounds good to me
  10. The trousers and and trainers are my step bros not mine lol :laugh:
  11. Dr Johns. Supplemented with raw meat, eggs, fish, pasta, bones, liver, kidney, heart, etc..
  12. Dogs got a couple of rabbits whilst out walking today. Thanks for looking
  13. Without having to read through 167 pages. Can someone tell me how shearer was bred and got a pic of him? Just got a 5 and a half month pup that is supposed to be out of him/his line
  14. I'm a lass Was it the video where he uses the scissors? I watched that one
  15. Yeah will definately be bringing the camera can't wait for next time!
  16. Do you go lure racing in Shildon? Where do you do it and on what day? (I live in Shildon)
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