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Single handed runner

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Everything posted by Single handed runner

  1. Want a coursing bitch daytime good money waiting must be fast and bend well

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    2. Single handed runner

      Single handed runner

      Some goons on here ha what's it got to do we you desertbred and game rooster is right and for all you no i could have plenty of readys for the right dog

    3. gamerooster


      no desertbred, that was the plan, but my bitch of a mother put the poor f****r in the refuge when i was away working, i could of killed her!!! and last season he done 21 out of 23

    4. Single handed runner

      Single handed runner

      Desertbred get ya money out 5 bags

  2. Grch tou are a wanker always talk shit and vever fuking just enjoy lads talking to lads about what we are all on here for to chat about our so called sport grow ur you prick and get a right Dog
  3. You stiffed a fukin rub off a dog in to another lad on here you can't even break one from pup so trying to buy 1 hahahahahaha weapon
  4. Collie greyhound how's the fawn dog bread ? Real nice dog ?
  5. Still no pictures does any 1 no any 1 that owns a dog of this breed most I have seen are rough coated
  6. Or just never been around children and it's only 1quater bull which means nothing but a lot of lurchers out there got bull in them now whippet lurchers collie lurchers saluki lurchers and the guy was prob shooting it for a reason mate and at 4 year old dog should be in its prime so why shoot it any dog can be funny it's down to socialising from early age
  7. Unpredictable what you mean I have had bull x in past but never broke my own from a pup she seems quite steady good around horses and shees so far but long way to go yet it's only the begining as I believe you get bkfrom a dog what you put in
  8. http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s444/wesleyj01/7f5533b0.jpg
  9. http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s444/wesleyj01/7f5533b0.jpg.%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0
  10. http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s444/wesleyj01/7f5533b0.jpg. Uploaded a few pics of missi At 4 an half months finally no how to use photo bucket thanks dymented top man
  11. http://i1052.photobucket.com/albums/s444/wesleyj01/6a9debb4.jpg
  12. Thanks lads and the dogs not for rabbits grch it's for big game I'll upload a pic of her later
  13. Thanks but does this way work on iPad ? I have tried thanks for replays
  14. Mines a real racey bitch but think shee s quite ignorant but shees coming too also doing well with stock but only 4 months old how can I upload pics ?
  15. Rip diesel sorry to hear about that my pups terrible near the road
  16. I have just got a Wheaton greyhound x bull greyhound 12 week old looking really racy both parents were racey nag very well bread and single handed
  17. Does anyone no how to upload pics on the chat thanks
  18. Just go bull greyhound Wheaton greyhound 12 weeks just wondering if any one has picks off this breed thanks
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