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Everything posted by moocher123

  1. Sorry to here that cracking animal rip mate
  2. No he dog didn't like teeth he killed 19 reds and started to open up on them so that's what happen and yeah my three mates that Itatake with me are takin ufull advantage and 1 of them has 16 months and we had two cubs with his !!
  3. And lads Iv had a famer call a week ago asking for me to come down and it's give rain tomorrow so we see if shes just got fitness and no idea il post tomorrow see how she got on and here is 3 of here catches from a couple weeks ago so for no idea idiots NO IDEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I don't want to be hated so please stop bullying me I'm laughing at you if obvious bothered that's y u keep writing bk little boy you border
  5. My dog has caught 5 rabbits and if you guys go bk to page one were I started the topic and read instead of giving it all of this and that you will see that she is out every night mooching for a hour you just idiots write stuff when it say she go mooching thick as fxxk
  6. It's good to hear you are in fine fettle and getting out everyday and doing a bit .... But there is a big difference between having a rake about with the dog and catching a few bunnies to working the dog for 8 hours a day catching bags of 50 plus and doing this day in day out all year round ......... you are out the most on here socks your the man I didn't say I was out the most just trying to explain the difference in doing it for a job compared to a mooch ............ its my opinian and i think your 1st best and fuji 2nd best And Moocher123 is 3rd best... And your a 1st class jok
  7. Funniest thing I have ever read on THL.... I was taking the piss I couldn't care less wat people think atb
  8. No mate iv had two before this one was a yapper so went to cats and dogs home as I couldn't sell him if I wasn't happy with it other one spewed on teeth brought them both through to nearly 3 give them both a fair chance to try to see if they would change so here I am again not happy about it either lol Didn't you have a Irish terrier x? No
  9. I would have thought with 41 farms to cover your dog wouldn't need to be running beside a car. Come on bud use your brain she is 10 month old and it's out of the season just complete idiots keep replying with stupid replys atb
  10. Fair shout if I had something to say to someone in the way you are on about I wouldn't be writing bk I would be in my car on my way to sort it out but lucky enough I very rarely get in confrontational things any more and I have my kids to think about now so I try my hardest to keep my self to my self
  11. Well I didn't know it was you I was saying that to ideation cuz at the time he was being cocky was nothing against u il pm my umber if ya want iI wasn't trying to bring u into it I was saying it to wind ideation as he was on a role
  12. Are you talking about me I haven't spoken about u this is the first time you commentd on this thread is not ?!!!
  13. Ok mate I'm glad I'm not a dickhead just been brought up right and I treat people how they treat me if you have a look lads I wrote four or five times I was just sharing my muts progress never once in anything I wrote on any page did I ask for advice tb fella
  15. Oh that hurts I'm guess I am prick then if you read all the other pages on this thread then u would see I said I was trying to share my dogs and my progress and didn't want a slaggin match I didn't post the thread for so I guess I'm a prick then and if that's what thl thinks then so be it it's the internet so il take it with a pinch of salt
  16. Not fussed to be honest what you think u don't know Me and I'm only a tosser to a tosser like ya self border Scott. Iv seen you be a prick on this and I'm not gona be polite when over people are not atb to u u wanker lol
  17. Yes and I only visit all of then 3 to 4 times a season so quarry not consistant lamp shy and I have mates that have dogs as well. And there are lads on here that know how much I'm out and travel some distance I'm out 4 to 5 night's a week in the season I travel nearly 650 miles a week I don't need to explain I know what i Do and so do others on here enough said ii never started this thread asking for advice but iv got it good old thl full f jump up pricks atb to the sound lads it's just unreal I really like thl but times like this makes me wish no one ever told me about thl
  18. I have explained my reason which I didn't have to and that's still your reply wat a idiot !!!!!! Atb hunting to you as wel
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