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About nighteye

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  1. Hello everybody . Just following the rules and introducing myself. My name is Chris and after quite a long break from shooting I have decided to take it up again. I have kept my hand in somewhat by using various designs of air rifle and more recently (in the past 18 months) gallery and fullbore rifle through a local firearms club , I also have had some experience with pigeon shooting some years ago. That's about it really , hope to talk with you in posts etc and gain as much knowledge as possible.
  2. if you go onto face book and ask to join pest control uk(sister site) the moderator sid (dilligaf) Johnston is giving one away free!!!!!!! be quick though!!!!!
  3. Not to seem like a DEBEN employee , but I must admit that the hawke digi-niteye I own is superb. It has been dropped, nearly drowned and stood on by my dogs numerous times(all accidental) , perhaps I should count my blessings but the scope has functioned flawlessly since I purchased it well over 2 years ago and the optical clarity from my albeit untrained eye is exceptional and I have had the fortune to look through the lenses of most top end glass. Just my ten pence worth , ps sorry to hear about your misfortunes guys been there before .
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