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nige hutchison

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Everything posted by nige hutchison

  1. Thanks again for tyhe comments guys,appreciated.
  2. This farm provides a breeding programe to re introduce the kites and they tag them to see how they are doing.
  3. Had a trip over to Doune today to Agraty Kites, great place if you want to get pics of these beautiful birds.
  4. Kwalatee, of all the birds ive photographed this one has still eluded me,well done mate.
  5. Theres a fine herd of fallows on the Isle of Mull all natural to, heres a couple of pics I took on my last trip.
  6. A few from this morning,heron, wren, curlew.
  7. Might pop along to this if the weathers good maybe get some piccys, heres a link to google map. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=101092296665822217087.000478b798cde3d045354
  8. Mr blackbird stole a whole fat ball from the table to feed his offspring
  9. Guess Im lucky my garden backs onto the woods so we get a lot of different birds dropping by,just a couple great tit and a long tailed tit
  10. No I dont think so, this ones about a mile of the A9 if you take the turning for Bankfoot just before Birnum heading North.
  11. Pleasure to share and it is great to see other forum members pics and to share tips and advice on photography.
  12. cheers Bob.243 another one from behind the trees.
  13. Had a wee trip up little glenshee today loads of snow but a bit grey, stopped at a favourite fish pond and snapped this wee scene.
  14. Lovely dogs,I think weve all said never again when we loss our dogs but they bring something very special to our lives even when that life is short and hopefully we give them something special in return for theyre love.
  15. Pretty spectacular to watch I used my 500mm lens to stop getting soaked.
  16. Taken just beyond Arbroath at a derilect harbour.
  17. young fox stalking the ducks at the Eden eastuary
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