Hi mate, this one was on the river Leven(LochLeven) Fife,I just heard about it a couple of days ago, they are very hard to spot but if you are patient you will get lucky you usually hear them before you see them,cheers.
slow shutter speed for making the water look milky, depends on the light though if its to bright the photo will blow out, I carry a neutral desity filter with me which is basically a dark filter and kindda works like wearing sunglasses this gives you a slower shutter speed without the blow out sometimes lol.
I just saw the hawk hitting the ground At first I thought it had flown into the fence then when I got closer I could see the Patridge flapping around and the hawk had it by the neck.
Cant remember if Ive posted this already Sparrow hawk caught this right in front of me it then tried to fly of with it but dropped it was to heavy, I bet it was really pissed off, and one lucky patridge
Getting on for thirty years now bud, started of like everyone with the old film cameras my first 35mm camera was a Practika which was actually quite good.