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Everything posted by pbrookes

  1. Would have loved to have got over for it, would have been around the time I visited DD, he sent me a few photos from the show im sure. Pity that as you missed out on something that we'll probably never see the likes again.Plenty of lads from all over GB and Europe used to come to it and if I remember correctly I think Boston Blacky judged the bull dogs one year. Then we'd all be in the Farmers the next day, drunk, LOL. The weight pulling was also great. One year two bulldogs both pulled the same and there were no weights left (the weight was 30 or 40 four inch solid blocks.) so the boys
  2. Would have loved to have got over for it, would have been around the time I visited DD, he sent me a few photos from the show im sure. Pity that as you missed out on something that we'll probably never see the likes again.Plenty of lads from all over GB and Europe used to come to it and if I remember correctly I think Boston Blacky judged the bull dogs one year. Then we'd all be in the Farmers the next day, drunk, LOL. The weight pulling was also great. One year two bulldogs both pulled the same and there were no weights left (the weight was 30 or 40 four inch solid blocks.) so the boys
  3. Everybody has their own ways who is to say who's right or wrong. I used to wean on rice pudding or cereal but straight on to fine minced beef now. Never had a pup not lap it. Mix a bit of lamblac in to make it a bit more runny. Personally now I can't see the point on giving pups cereal but that's not to say I'm right.
  4. Email the seller they are £190 a thousand. Used em for the last 2 years
  5. His wife used to teach me at junior school
  6. My old dog retired this year. And below my favourite bitch of all time lost her this year. Broke my heart. Got pups out of the 2 of them to keep me happy
  7. Is that the half brother to my bitch Phil? Out of Mick C's dog Jack? Yes mate
  8. If you know anyone who works in a factory get some sachets out of the eye wash station. Always have some in my pocket. Just the job
  9. He's not big maybe 13/14 inch but he's strong with it.
  10. It was cancer. Had her pts today. Rip snap
  11. One of my terrier bitches has what looks like a tumour in her ear. She's always suffered from ear infections/ yeast infections but I managed to pin it down to raw chicken so have kept it at bay for the last few years but about a week ago she started with a small lump on the top of her ear canal and it's now about the size of my finger nail and it protrudes out of her ear. It's obviously causing her some discomfort and her balance seems all to cock. Managed to get her in the vets tomorrow but looking online it would seem it's common and could be cancer in the ear canal. Anyone had similar issue
  12. I wouldn't give a dog ibuprofen . Better giving asprin till you can get to vets for metacam.
  13. Just been on news Cameron has postponed the vote till we can exclude the scots from English votes
  14. No reply from mine but then again it is milliband
  15. Years ago we were digging on a bank in an old tip when a car pulls up. We down tools and move further down the bank and try to be quiet. Car door goes and we heard footsteps approach. We're trying to be as still as possible thinking it was the farmer when we see a woman at the top of the bank oblivious that we are there she does no more than hitch up her skirt and pipes out a massive shit. We were gipping and laughing for ages after
  16. My bitch bled for 3 weeks after mating( just spots) and had 6 pups this week
  17. I'll fill your freezer for you next time you come down
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