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Everything posted by Jack.308

  1. I supose going blind is probaly the worst that could happen tbf
  2. Lmao i must agree that is also my fear and also a very comen one;)
  3. I can handle the normal house spider but f**k them forgein fukers that will eat you in one. And no ones lonely they've always got them selfs for company or a orange with a face drawn on does the same
  4. They say everyone had a fear so come on tough men own up whats your fears?
  5. Where to get sheet netting i would like a 125yrd peice of 6z can anyone givee a link or name of company please
  6. What thickness draw cord do i need aswell and what weight twine is reconended?
  7. What needle do i need is there diffrent types of needle?
  8. Im defonatly not planning on using it this season, i think ill go with making a 50yrd first, so ill need to make 100yrd of net i pursume that this is to allow for baggaging? How many meshes deep should i go ? And what size meshes?
  9. Im fairly new to it and i want to make one ive never maid any nets before is it wise to go straight onto a long net? i want to make a 100yrd whats the best materials to buy? What do i need eg what needle? how much nylon would i need? Is it nylon i need am i alright with cutting nut sticks as poles? Any info would be helpful please
  10. At a guess i would say its interference i get that on mine somtimes, i think you will find that on a mk1 ferret finder the arrow on the back of the box is suopse to be pointing up when u use it
  11. Jack.308

    Horror Films

    I cudnt give a f**k u watch it mate if that stuff dow make you cringe you ay human, you say most has been revealed as fake theres no horror film in the world thats all fact
  12. Jack.308

    Horror Films

    Faces of death defenabtly the most fuked up film ive ever watched no scary just so f****n crazy its unreal
  13. How do you lads stop you water bottles freezing? I swap them for fresh everymorning but by the time im back from work there froze back up again any ideas appriciated?
  14. Isnt the arrow suposed to be pointing up when you use it?
  15. So there for pegging arkward holes then?
  16. Whats a poke net and what are they used for anyone got any pics?
  17. What robaly happend is the depth sticker wor away and was replaced with a new sticker that just had mk3 printed on it
  18. Jack.308


    What happened did he get put on his arse?
  19. I wouldnt say badger because came across alot of badgers and all shown red
  20. Out lamping abit ago with a red filtered lamp amd came across a green pair of eyes, any ideas what it was?
  21. My dog does its f****n nut asoom as anything is out of place
  22. who me ! No not you mate the geeza whos asking 3000 for a pup
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