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Everything posted by Jack.308

  1. Okay so my "knot" is 1.6 So my mesh is 3.6 And my net is 331 meshes long So 331 x 3 6/8 Is what?
  2. Jack.308


    How do i messure a nets square to find out what inch it is Do i pull out the diamond to make a square the messure bottom left to bottom right? Or keep it as a diamond and messure top to bottom?
  3. Still carnt message you mate
  4. Thats just a romantic unrealistic pipe dream if you think blacks,browns,yellows or greens are going to lay their life down for our country they come here to exploit us not embrace us.............its just as unrealistic as Spaniards or Australians expecting Brits to lay our lives down for their countries...........just because someones good dont mean to say we should welcome or accept them here what are we a pitstop we,ve done our bit for the human race let them go somewhere else. Agreed!
  5. He dragged us into a war which cost us our best blood and empire because a nation dare defend its people,is responsible for the downfall of the most advanced society that has ever existed and denied all European countries the right to remain homogenous oh and facilitated the continuation of communism.What a hero. He cost us our best blood ? and cost us our empire ? Those are the words of which should have came from ADOLF HITLERS mouth. The very man churchill , and OUR best blood stopped the invasion of britain and stopped the nazi tide sweeping through european countries. Say something patr
  6. Most important for any recipe i believe is to age the venison well. Makes the eating 100% better
  7. How do i train a dog to drop to whistle is my question?
  8. The dogs walking to heel on and off the lead, siting and staying and comes back on the wistle is it worth getting her sit to the wistle?
  9. How do i go about atopping her on the wistle?
  10. Comes back on the wistle, walks to heel, sits and stays, my next task is to stop on the wistle how do i go about it?
  11. Its to beat/pick up and ive only had the dog 2 weeks as it was going to waste so i thought id give my patients ago and get it working
  12. 18month only had her a week just sorting the basic's out first but was curious
  13. How do i get my sprocker to work 15/20yrds. Out from me and work steady?
  14. Also trying to pm you tiercel
  15. From what ive read that would seem ideal to me im pritty much a novice so a shot in the dark realy
  16. Longnetting at night and day
  17. 50yrd longnet wanted second hand or new
  18. Seriously where the f**k do these people come from.... STRYCHNINE COVERED WORMS...FFS......some expert mate eh?????? Not far from you with an attitude like that
  19. Feel like a count all i had to do wad twist tried everything but that lol
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