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Everything posted by Jack.308

  1. Well im skint and ino it dosnt cost alot but ive already got the posion and peanut butter so you know
  2. So if i mix it with peanut butter and put it in a bait box it'll work?
  3. Not sure, was just told its the dogs bollocks, its blue wheat basicly
  4. Okay ill sort some bait boxes out, but will the poison mixed with peanut butter work?
  5. This is inside a private property so will not affect any other species
  6. poison mixed with peanut butter rolled into small balls around 1p size dotted here,there and everywhere will it work?
  7. I belive 2lb of sugar to 3lb of fruit cook it in a sauce pan not to hot to burn the sugar but hot enough to render down the fruit and dilute the sugar cook for around half hour you'll know when its ready make sure asoon as the fruit and sugar go on the heat constantly stir it and stir it well if not your going to end up in a right old mess and dont forget NOT TO HOT
  8. Its greater than god More evil than the devil Rich people need it And poor people have it 7 letters
  9. Theres 2 keepers been out lamping the night before. I was talking to them and said howd you get on last night, Both at the same time 1 says 3 the other says 12 Was crying of laughter
  10. Jack.308


    -.-- --- ..- .- .-. . .- .-- .- -. -.- . .-.
  11. Sorry im confussed, how else coukd i do it?
  12. Builders tea from morrisons is good aswell if you like strong tea
  13. You must be mental, you just havnt found the right cup of tea for you yet
  14. How do you all make the perfect cuppa? Personaly i putt 2 sugars in and me yorkshire tea teabag top up with boiling water add a trickle off full fat milk give it a stir and roberts your farthers brother i leave the tea bag in cause i love strong tea
  15. Its not like a long bet its tied at each end like a purse net but no rings
  16. Do i just rig it the same as a long net?
  17. Ill re messure the mesh size
  18. 34.47916667 yrds i belive can some one check this for me?
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